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Pengukuran Daya

Daya DC & AC


Metode Wattmeter Elektrodinamik
1.Jarum penunjuk
3.Pengatur Nol
5.Terminal tegangan
6.Terminal arus
7.Tabel Perkalian
Wattmeter Induksi – 1 fasa

▪ The driving mechanism consists of two electromagnets, called as series

and shunt magnets. The core of these magnets is made up of silicon steel
▪ The coil of shunt electromagnet is connected across the supply voltage so that it
carries the current proportional the supply voltage. This coil is called pressure coil.
The flux produced by the pressure coil is made in exact quadrature with applied
voltage with the help of copper shading bands.
▪ The coil of series electromagnet is excited by the load current and it is called as
current coil. This load current produces the flux in the series electromagnet.
▪ The moving system consists of a light aluminum disc mounted on a steel
spindle which is pivoted on the jeweled bottom bearing. This aluminum
disc is arranged or positioned in such a way that it revolve in the air gap
between series and shunt magnets. A pinion engages the spindle with
counting mechanism.
▪ Braking system consist of a permanent magnet (also called as braking
magnet) near the aluminum disc. The disc rotates in the field produced
by the braking magnet and thereby braking torque is produced.
▪ Registering mechanism continuously records the number of revolutions
made by the aluminum disc. It consists of a train reduction gears and
pinion arrangement such that it drives the round dials.
Prinsip Kerja

▪ It works on the principle of induction, i.e., induced currents in the disc interact with
alternating fluxes in order to produce the necessary torque.
▪ In this, pressure coil of the shunt magnet carries the current proportional to the
supply voltage and produces the flux ϕ1, while series magnet carries the load
current and produces the flux ϕ2.
▪ These fluxes link with the disc and induce an emf in it. Further, the emf drives the
eddy current in the disc.
▪ The eddy current produced by the shunt magnet react with field produced by the
series magnet, whereas eddy current produced by the series magnet react with
field produced by the shunt magnet. Due to this, disc experiences a force and
starts rotating.
▪ When the disc rotates between the air-gap of the permanent magnet, eddy
currents are induced in disc. These currents oppose relative motion of the disc with
respect to magnet and hence the braking torque is generated.
▪ Thus, by adjusting the position of the permanent magnet, desired speed of the
aluminum disc is obtained. The spindle attached with the disc, drives the recording
mechanism through gear reduction arrangement so that energy consumed is
Wattmeter Induksi
– 3 fasa
Pengukuran Daya

Daya DC
• Voltmeter – amperemeter
• Wattmeter elektrodinamik
Daya AC
• 3 voltmeter AC
• 3 ampermeter AC
• Voltmeter-ampermeter-cos φ meter
• Wattmeter
Metode Voltmeter – Amperemeter
Metode Wattmeter Elektrodinamik
Metode 3 Voltmeter
Metode 3 Amperemeter
Metode Voltmeter-ampermeter-cos φ meter

▪ TUGAS!!!
Metode Wattmeter Elektrodinamik/Induksi
Wattmeter Merk Lain
Watt Meter Panel
Cos Phi Meter
Cosphi Meter Panel

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