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Agency Presentation


• There is a great deal of issues with students being in attendance

on at school in a desk and also being on time
• The goal each day 96% attendance rate
• Since the beginning of the year, we have not been able to reach
the 96 %

• The goal has been to try come up with something outside of the
box to make students want to be at school and want parents to
want bring students to school.
• School Social worker and I got together to come up with task.
What we did first…

• We had to ensure that all students who were supposed to be taken

out of the data base were removed. (This does effect the overall
attendance rate)
• We then thought of different rewards and activities outside of PBIS
• We presented to the ideas to the administration to make a
decisions about what will and will not work

• Determining who gets the incentive

• Will parents fuss/call the school board
• How would classroom teachers feel?
• Would there be a cost associated with the incentive
• Who would keep up the cost?

• We came up with several ideas

• Each student would get a treat as long at they were in the class in a seat
before 7:40 each day
• Reward the classroom in each grade level who had perfect attendance for
the week with an ice-cream party…etc
• Attendance Festival
• Grand finale- Attendance Ball
What worked

• We found that students love candy…and getting a treat worked out

great!! That was the first day that attendance was 95%
• We are still working on getting the approval of the attendance
festival , and the attendance ball (administration feels that it is
best that students are rewarded in real time and nothing that
parents and students have to come back to)
Core Competencies used

• 1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.3, 3.2, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1-7.3, 8.1, 9.1

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