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Self Efficacy

What is it?

• “The belief in one’s capabilities to organize

and execute the courses of action required to
manage prospective situations.“
Albert Bandura (1986)
• The belief in one's capabilities to achieve a
goal or an outcome.
Self Efficacy Vs. Self Esteem
• Self-efficacy is the perception of one's own
ability to reach a goal; self-esteem is the sense
of self-worth.
• A person who is a terrible rock climber would
probably have poor self-efficacy with regard to
rock climbing, but this will not affect self-
esteem if the person doesn’t rely on rock
climbing to determine self-worth.
Self Efficacy Vs. Confidence

• “The construct of self-efficacy differs from the

colloquial term 'confidence.' Confidence is a
nonspecific term that refers to strength of
belief but does not necessarily specify what
the certainty is about. I can be supremely
confident that I will fail at an endeavour...
• … Perceived self-efficacy refers to belief in
one's agentive capabilities, that one can
produce given levels of attainment. A self-
efficacy belief, therefore, includes both an
affirmation of a capability level and the
strength of that belief. Confidence is a
catchword rather than a construct embedded
in a theoretical system.”
• Albert Bandura (1997)
Strong Sense
• View challenging problems as tasks to be
• Develop deeper interest in the activities in
which they participate
• Form a stronger sense of commitment to their
interests and activities
• Recover quickly from setbacks and
Weak Sense

• Avoid challenging tasks

• Believe that difficult tasks and situations are
beyond their capabilities
• Focus on personal failings and negative
• Quickly lose confidence in personal abilities

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