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Continuity of Parks


• What does the character say?

Nothing. The character was only reading a novel.
• How does the character speak?
It was not mentioned in the story but since he
attended some business matter, we assume that
he speaks like a business man or a negotiator.

• What is revealed through the character’s

private and feelings?
In the story, The couple are not in good
terms. It is revealed that the man will be
killed by his wife.

• What is revealed through the character’s effect on the

other people?
Due to his job, he failed to be affectionate enough
towards his wife because of this, his wife looked for
another men who could fulfill his needs.
• How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to
the character?
His wife fell out in love.

• What does the character do?

The character was reading a novel and since he attended
some urgent business matter, we assume that he is a
business man.

• How does the character behave?

The character behaves like a person who likes to read
books and a busy person due to his job.

• What does the character look like?

The character looks like a business man.
• How does the character dress?
Since we think that the character is a business
man, the character is probably wearing a suit.

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