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of Good Team
Prepared by: Mr. Lance Mercado
Characteristics of Good
Team Members
Entrepreneurs realize there are other
stakeholders in their businesses –
partners,investors, employees, suppliers,
customers, creditors, and so forth. They
must work with others to get their
business up and running. They must have
good team – building skills as well as be
effective team members. Good team
members display the following traits:
Characteristics of Good
Team Members
1. Commitment – They are
committed to team goals and are
willing to work hard to achieve the
Characteristics of Good
Team Members
2. Competency – They have the
right set of skills needed to get the
job done and to help accomplish
the team’s goals.
Characteristics of Good
Team Members
3. Communication – They have
good communication skills and can
share ideas with others in both oral
and written form.
Characteristics of Good
Team Members
4. Cooperation – They work well
with others and know that they will
not always get their way. They are
willing to accept the decision of the
group for the good of the group.
Characteristics of Good
Team Members
5. Creativity – They are able to look
at things from different perspectives
and suggest new ways of doing

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