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1. All sessions will start and end on time and this

will be strictly enforced by the moderators.

2. Papers are to be presented in the order listed in

the program.

3. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to

present their studies.

a. Presenter will be prompted with 1 bell 1 minute

before the end of the allotted time and 5 bells
when the allotted 15 minutes is consumed.
4. The timer will start running after the first slide
or the introduction of the study.

5. A timer will also be running on the top corner of

the computer screen.

6. After all the paper presentation for the

ANSWER will proceed immediately.

7. The Secretariat will be giving the audience a form

for them to write their questions to the presenter.
8. 5 minutes after the end of the presentation of
the presenter, the Secretariat will collect the
questions from the audience.

9. QUESTIONS from the Judges to any presenter

they want to ask will first be accommodated
before the questions from the audience.

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