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What does the Hanukkah Menorah

'Chanukiyyah‘ represent?
The 9 branch menorah, called in Hebrew
'Chanukiyyah', is used only during the
holiday of Chanukah. It was created to
commemorate the victory of the Jewish
Maccabees over the Greco/Syrians in 165
B.C.E. and the miraculous burning of a one
day supply of oil (in the 7 branch menorah!)
for eight days.
What type of oil takes a minimum of 8
days to make (manufacture)?
Olive Oil
When lighting Hanukkah candles one should
A. Always light from left to right
B. Always light from right to left
C. If you’re a righty start from the right, and if
you’re a lefty, start from the left
D. Light from the middle going out, first left,
then right
 Always light from right to left
What does the Hebrew
word hanukkah mean?
True or False

Hanukkah is one of the Jewish holidays not

mentioned in the Bible.
How many times is Hanukkah
Mentioned in the Bible?
At least 11 Times
Hanukkah is used in the Bible at least eleven times
(Num 7:10, 11, 84, 88;
Ps 30:1;
Neh 12:27 [2x];
2 Chron 7:9).
Its Aramaic equivalent (spelled the same) is used four times
(Dan 3:2, 3;
Ezra 6:16, 17).

At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was
winter, and Yeshua was walking in the Temple in the colonnade of Solomon.
(John 10:22-23)
Which game is most commonly played during
A. Dreidel
B. Go-fish with Hanukkah gelt
C. Who can eat the most latkes
 Driedel
What was the purpose of the Driedel Game?
 A tradition exists that the game was
developed by Jews who illegally studied
the Torah in seclusion as they hid,
sometimes in caves, from
the Seleucids under Antiochus IV. At the
first sign of Seleucids approaching,
their Torah scrolls would be concealed and
be replaced by dreidels.[4][5]
It has become customary for the Hanukkah
menorah to have place for nine flames. Why
is there a ninth candle, called the shamash?
A. A "servant flame" is needed to light the
other eight, keeping them from serving the
function of lighting another flame
B. Because it is necessary to have one flame
higher than the others, to remind us that we
are higher than others.
C. To symbolize God’s commandments, which
we all should fulfill
A "servant flame" is needed to light the other
eight, keeping them from serving the
function of lighting another flame

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