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The Olympic Games are undoubtedly the

maximum representatives of sport today,

being the most significant event in which
athletes from all over the world gather to
perform their performances in different
disciplines, both individually and as a group.
The Olympic Games are one of the events,
in addition, that more viewers gather and
due to its long history are considered one of
the most important moments of union of
 The BMX is a discipline of cycling that is practiced with cross bicycles
with wheels of 20 inches in diameter. The BMX covers two modalities:
race, whose objective is to complete the course in the shortest
possible time, and free style (freestyle), whose objective is to perform

 The BMX is an extreme sport that must be practiced with the due
security that we provide the following objects: helmet, knee pads,
elbow pads, cloth or plastic gloves and wide shoes. The bicycle has
to be in good condition to avoid accidents.

 BMX is the abbreviation of Bicycle Motocross and was born in

California (United States of America) in the year 1969 when a young
man named Scott Breithaupt decides to use a bicycle on a
Motocross track, to imitate the skills of his idols of this sport. A
manufacturer of bicycles called Al Fritz, alerted by the high demand
of young people and observing their tastes, began to make bicycles
similar to motorcycles.
 Tennis is a sport that is practiced with rackets
and a small ball. You can play two individuals
(one against one) or two couples (two against
the other two). The objective is to hit the ball so
that it passes over the net that divides the court
in half, trying to prevent the opponent from
returning it.
 It is believed that tennis emerged in the twelfth
century in French territory. In those early versions
of the game, the ball was hit with the hands.
From the sixteenth century, they began to use
 Other interesting information about tennis we can say
that are the following:
 When it began to expand across the European
continent it was achieved that it was a sport that only
the upper classes of society practiced.
 From the Olympic Games of Athens celebrated in the
year 1896 it is considered Olympic sport.
 Among the most relevant competitions in this discipline
and with the greatest international prestige are Roland
Garros and Wimbledon, for example.
 The record of the longest tennis match in history is the
one that faced John Isner and Nicolás Mahut in the
Wimbledon Championship of 2010. In particular, it came
to last a whopping 11 hours and 5 minutes, being the first
player who in the end obtained the triumph.
 The male tennis player with the highest number of Grand
Slam titles is Roger Federer while the female athlete with
that record has Margaret Court.
 Boxing is a sport where two people face fist
punches with their hands covered by gloves
and according to certain rules. The winner is the
one who manages to knock down his
opponent without being able to get up before
a count of ten or, at the end of the match, add
more points than the opponent in the opinion
of a jury.
 Boxing fights take place in a ring known as a
ring. These combats are divided into sequences
called rounds or assaults. The number of rounds
per event varies according to the regulations.
 Fencing, also known as sports fencing to differentiate it from
historical fencing, is a combat sport in which two well-
protected opponents face each other and must try to touch
each other with a white weapon, depending on which three
modalities are distinguished: saber, sword and foil. Its definition
is "art of defense and attack with a sword, foil or similar
weapon". Modern fencing is a sport of entertainment and
competition, but it follows the rules and techniques that were
developed in its origin for an efficient handling of the sword in
duels. Artistic fencing is a current modality that incorporates
elements of historical fencing together with performing arts.

 The word comes from the verb to wield, and this in turn from
the Germanic verb skermjan, which means to repair or
protect. The opponents are called fencers. When a shooter is
touched by the opponent's weapon, the shooter who touches
the opponent receives a point.
 Athletics is considered the oldest organized sport in the world.
It covers numerous disciplines grouped into races, jumps,
pitches and combined events.

 The word athletics comes from the Greek word atletes, which
is defined as "that person who competes in a test determined
by a prize", noting that the Greek word is related to the word
aethos which is synonymous with the word "effort" .

 Athletics is the art of overcoming the performance of

opponents in speed or in resistance called also bottom, in
distance or in greater height. The number of tests, and the
types, whether individual or in groups, have varied over time.
Athletics is one of the few sports practiced worldwide, either
among amateurs or in competitions of all levels. Simplicity and
the few means necessary for its practice explain this success.
 The first historical reference to athletics dates
back to the year 776 a. C. in Greece, with a list
of athletes that win a competition. Within
athletics there are several types of tests. Thus,
there are the races on foot (speed, medium
distance, background, hurdles, cross country,
relays ...), jumps (length, height, triple jump,
pole vault), throws (weight, javelin , hammer ...),
the athletic march, and the combined tests.
The latter are also known as decathlon and, as
its name suggests, consists of ten tests: three of
launch, three jumps and four races.

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