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Friendship is an
relationship that
can be established
between two or
more individuals and
that is cultivated
with the regular
treatment and
reciprocal interest
over time.
Friendship may arise between men and women,
boyfriends, husbands, family with any kind of link,
people of different ages, religions, ideologies,
cultures, social background, etc.
You can even set a friendship between a human
being and an animal (not for nothing the dog is
man's best friend).


Friendships can be born in the most diverse contexts and

situations: the place where we live, the site where we
worked, school, college, parties, meetings, coffee that we
attend, through other friends, social networks, etc.
Friendship arises not only with those who have more affinities in terms of tastes and
interests, or with whom we have close, but that may appear between the very disparate
In fact, sometimes that is a factor that strengthens friendship, not only in the exchange
of ideas, information and feelings, but also in sharing the good and bad moments of the

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