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Definicija modalnih glagola
 U engleskom jeziku, modalni glagoli su pomoćni glagoli
(dakle, stoje uz glavni glagol) koji se koriste da se iskaže
gramatički način u rečenici (npr.kondicionalni). Glavna
karakteristika modalnih glagola je što nemaju sve oblike,
npr.nemaju participe ni infinitiv.
 U engleskom postoje sledeći modalni glagoli. Ovde su
predstavljeni kao oblik za sadašnje i prošlo vreme:
 shall i should
 will i would
 may i might
 can i could
 Must (samo jedan oblik)
 Navedeni glagoli nisu modalni ali mogu da se koriste u
istu svrhu:
 ought to i had better
 used to
 dare i need
 have to
 Iako su se nekada zaista odnosili na prošlost, oblici za
prošlo vreme se u mnogim slučajevima upotrebljavaju
bez takvog značenja.
Can, could and (be) able to
 Can je jedan od najčešće upotrebljavanih modalnih glagola.
 Značenja:
 1. possibility/allowance (mogućnost/dozvola)
 2. ability (sposobnost)
 We can see the lake from our bedroom window. (ability)
 ‘I haven’t got a pen.’ ‘You can use mine.’ (allowance)
 Negativni oblik je cannot (can’t):
 I’m afraid I can’t come to the party on Friday.
 Ukoliko can ima značenje sposobnosti, umesto njega se
može upotrebiti izraz (be) able to:
 We are able to see the lake from our bedroom window.
 Can ima samo dva oblika, can (sadašnji) i could (prošli). Za
druga glagolska vremena zato se koristi (be) able to:
 I can’t sleep. / I haven’t been able to sleep recently.
 (Ne mogu da spavam. U poslednje vreme ne mogu da spavam)
 Tom can come tomorrow. / Tom might be able to come tomorrow. (Tom
može da dođe sutra.Tom će možda moći da dođe sutra.)
Can and Could
 Could se kao prošlo vreme od can koristi uz glagole:
 See hear smell taste
feel remember understand
 We had a lovely room in the hotel.We could see the lake.
 As soon as I walked into the room, I could smell gas.
 I was sitting at the back of the theatre and couldn’t hear very well.
 Could se takođe koristi da bi se izrazila opšta sposobnost ili
dozvola koju je neko imao u prošlosti.
 My grandfather could speak five languages. (sposobnost – u ovom
smislu can/could se prevode kao “umeti/znati”)
 We were totally free.We could do what we wanted.
Could (do) and Could have (done)
 Could ima više upotreba:
 1. kao prošlo vreme od can. Uporedi:
 Listen! I can hear something. (now)
 I listened. I could hear something. (past)
 2. Kao modalni glagol, i tada označava ne prošlo vreme nego
mogućnost u sadašnjosti ili budućnosti (za predloge):
 What shall we do this evening? –We could go to the cinema. (mogli
 Takođe se može reći “We can go to the cinema.” (Možemo
ići). Ako koristimo could, manje insistiramo na predlogu.
 3. Could se koristi i za radnje koje nisu realne. Na primer:
 I’m so tired. I could sleep for a week. (ne I can sleep for a week)
 Uporedi can i could:
 I can stay with Julia when I go to Paris. (realno, jer ona tamo živi)
 Maybe I could stay with Julia when I go to Paris. (moguće, ako se
ona složi)
 This is a wonderful place. I could stay here for ever. (nerealno)
 4. Could = it is possible/will be possible
 The story could be true, but I don’t think it is. (možda je istinita)
 I don’t know what time Liz is coming. She could get here any time.
(možda će stići)
Could have (done)
 Could have (done) koristimo za mogućnost, ali koja je
postojala u prošlosti:
 The situation is bad, but it could be worse. (now)
 The situation was bad, but it could have been worse. (past)
 It could have happened = it was possible but did
not happen:
 I didn’t know that you wanted to go to the concert. I could have got
you a ticket. (I didn’t get you a ticket.) = Nisam znala da želiš da
ideš na koncert. Mogla sam ti uzeti kartu. (ali nisam)
 Dave was lucky. He could have hurt himself when he fell, but he’s
Couldn’t (do) i couldn’t have (done)
 Couldn’t (do) = it is not possible/will not be
possible (nepostojanje mogućnosti u sadašnjosti ili
 I couldn’t live in a big city. I would hate it.
 Everything’s fine right now.Things couldn’t be better.
 Za nepostojanje mogućnosti u prošlosti: couldn’t have
done = it was not possible
 We had a really good holiday. It couldn’t have been better.
 (Divno smo se proveli na odmoru. Nije moglo biti bolje.)
Must and can’t
 Must je takođe modalni glagol, s tim što ima samo jedan
oblik – sadašnji.
 Značenje: must može da označava postojanje obaveze, ali
takođe izražava i verovatnoću, odnosno da je govornik
siguran u nešto.
 It must be true = I am sure it is true
 You’ve been travelling all day.You must be tired. (I’m sure you’re
 Carol must get very bored in her job. She does the same thing every
 Sally gave me her phone number. I must have it somewhere.
 Kad želimo da kažemo da smo sigurni da nešto nije verovatno
ili moguće, koristimo can’t:
 It can’t be true = I’m sure it is not true
 You’ve just had lunch.You can’t be hungry already.
 They haven’t lived here for very long.They can’t know many people.
 Can’t u ovaknoj upotrebi prevodimo sa “sigurno ne” ili
“nemoguće je”
 Za prošlost koristimo konstrukcije:
 Must have (done)
 There’s nobody home.They must have gone out. (Sigurno su izašli.)=
I’m sure they went out.
 Can’t have (done)
 Sue hasn’t contacted me. She can’t have got my message. (Sigurno
nije dobila moju poruku.) = I’m sure she didn’t get my message.
 Must/can’t (do) = sigurni smo da je nešto moguće (ili
nemoguće) u sadašnjosti
 Must / can’t have (done) = sigurni smo da je nešto bilo
moguće (ili nemoguće) u prošlosti.
May and might 1
 Modalni glagoli may i might označavaju
mogućnost/verovatnoću da je nešto tačno. Might nije
prošlo vreme od may, već se koristi da označi manju
verovatnoću, tj. da je govornik smatra da je nešto manje
verovatno .
 She may know = perhaps she knows
 She might know
 Odrični oblici su may not i might not:
 She may/might not work here any more = perhaps she doesn’t
work here.
 Za mogućnost/verovatnoću u prošlosti, koristimo may/might
have (done):
 I wonder why Kate didn’t answer the phone. She may have been
asleep = perhaps she was asleep
 She might have not known that we were coming.= perhaps she didn’t
 May/might i could imaju skoro isto značenje.
 The story could be true= It may/might be true.
 Ali couldn’t ima drugačije značenje od may/might not:
 Sarah couldn’t have got my message ≠ Sarah might not have got
my message.
May and might 2
 May/might takođe koristimo da bismo govorili o mogućim
aktivnostima ili događajima u budućnosti:
 I haven’t decided yet where to go for my holidays. I may go to
Greece. = perhaps I will go
 Take an umbrella with you. It might rain later. = perhaps it
will rain
 Uporedi will i may/might:
 I will be late this evening. (sigurno)
 I may/might be late this evening. (moguće)
 Obično su may i might međusobno zamenljivi, a razlika u
značenju je minimalna:
 I may go to Greece ili I might go to Greece
 Ali ukoliko govorimo o nerealnoj situaciji, možemo koristiti
samo might:
 If I were in Tom’s position, I might look for another job. (but I
am not in Tom’s position) = Kad bih bio na Tomovom mestu,
možda bih tražio drugi posao.

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