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 Inception of Red Bull GmbH- 1987

 Founder of Red Bull GmbH- Dietrich

 Inspiration for Red Bull- A energy drink called
Krating Daeng
 Turnover of Red Bull- EUR 6.282 Billion
 World Footprint- 171 countries
 Strength- Murketing strategy
 Weakness- Non traditional marketing may be
costing larger share of the revenue.
 Opportunity- Indian , Pakistani and Chinese
 Threat- “If you survive Red Bull, you are cool”
 Redbull’s murketing strategy has worked on
multiple markets throughout the world.

 They always focussed on a niche customer

base and have gained their success.

 India with it’s ever-growing youth is also

seeing a fair share of thrill/adventure seeking
genes sprout.
 They buy the company’s motto of being cool
by surviving it.

 Major work needs to be done by Redbull if

they want to capture bigger proportion of the

 India being risk averse and culture centric

society will pose a big challenge to Reddbull-

Question here is: Will redbull change their

long term success strategy?

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