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What is it and what does it mean?

What does Advocacy mean?

• Advocacy means actively supporting a cause or

project that is important to you.

• Active support means to take an action for the

cause or project you support.
How can someone actively support a cause.

• In your table groups, brainstorm ways

someone could support a cause.
• Be prepared to share at least 3 examples.

• Fundraising
• Petitions
• Peaceful Protests
• Signs/Posters
• Letter Writing
Advocates are:
1. Effective Communicators
2. Assertive and Persuasive
3. Passionate and Enthusiastic
4. Knowledgeable
Video Reflection
Colin Kaepernick Discusses National Anthem

• On your paper answer the following questions:

• Provide evidence of each of the qualities of an
advocate that Colin Kaepernick possesses within this
• What is Colin Kaepernick advocating for?
What Would You Do?
WWYD- Foster Care

• With a partner, brain storm what you would do

to advocate for the individual within the
• Make sure that your response contains all the
qualities of an advocate.

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