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Personal Anthem/Motto

By: Monica Mejia

Ms. Cunningham
English Literature (1)
Personal Anthem
Dear Daughter by Halestorm

Dear Daughter, don’t change for any man even if he promises the stars and
takes you by the hand

Life throws you into the unknown and you feel like you're out there all alone

These are words that every girl should have a chance to hear, there will be
love, there will be pain, there will be hope, there will be fear

But through it all year after year, stand or fall I will be right here for you

Dear Daughter, I was just like you and just like me you're gonna make it
Why this song?

● Reminds me that life isn’t as scary

● Always stay true to myself
● We aren’t alone
Three Core Values/Beliefs

● Faith
● Family
● Friends
Personal Motto

If you think you can’t, then you won’t

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