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To Aima Mou (My

by Thanos Petrelis

Alex Sprague Personal Anthem

Ms. Cunningham
English Literature
9 October 2018
To Aima Mou
Μαχαίρι αγάπη μου κρατούσες Κόκκινο, δεν ήταν κόκκινο

Που κάρφωσες σε μένανε Είχε το χρώμα τ' ουρανού Red, it wasn’t red
It had the color of the sky
Και το αίμα που έτρεχε κοιτούσες Και την αγάπη ενός τρελού And the love of a crazy man
And it was dripping, thus it was
Δεν είχες αίμα δει ποτέ
Κι έσταζε έτσι όπως έσταζε dripping
You held the knife my love It was taking crazy shapes
Which you nailed it to me Έπαιρνε σχήματα τρελά
And you were watching the blood which was flowing
As if you had never seen blood Θύμιζε εσένα φοβερά
To Aima Mou
Why this song?

● Love isn’t always fun and games, it is also pain and heartache
● It is very poetic, it speaks to me
● Reminds me of listening to Greek music with my mom as a kid
Core Values




If you are going through hell, keep


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