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Naïve Bayes Classifier

Naïve Bayes --- Recap
• Revisit

• Which is equal to

• Naïve Bayes assumes conditional independency

• Then the inference of posterior is

Naïve Bayes --- Recap
• Training: Observation is multinomial; Supervised, with label
– Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)

• Classification with Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) rule

Naïve Bayes
• Continuous-valued Input Attributes
– What if we have continuous values for an attribute ?
– Conditional probability modeled with the normal distribution
1  ( X j   ji )2 
Pˆ ( X j |C  ci )  exp  
2  ji  2 ji 

 ji : mean (avearage)of attributevalues X j of examples for w hichC  ci
 ji : standarddeviationof attributevalues X j of examples for w hichC  ci

– Learning Phase: for X  (X1 ,  , Xn ), C  c1 ,  , cL

Output: n L normal distributions and P(C  ci ) i  1,  , L
– Test Phase: for X  (X1 ,  , Xn )
• Calculate conditional probabilities with all the normal distributions
• Apply the MAP rule to make a decision

Naïve Bayes
• For continuous Xi

• Generative training

• Prediction
Naïve Bayes
• Example: Continuous-valued Features
– Temperature is naturally of continuous value.
Yes: 25.2, 19.3, 18.5, 21.7, 20.1, 24.3, 22.8, 23.1, 19.8
No: 27.3, 30.1, 17.4, 29.5, 15.1
– Estimate mean and variance for each class
1 N 1 N Yes  21.64 , Yes  2.35
   xn ,    ( xn  )2
 No  23.88 , No  7.09
N n1 N n1

– Learning Phase: output two Gaussian models for P(temp|C)

1  ( x  21 . 64 ) 2
 1  ( x  21 . 64) 2

Pˆ ( x | Yes )  exp   
  exp 
  
2.35 2  2  2.35  2.35 2
 11.09 
ˆ 1  ( x  23 .88 ) 2
 1  ( x  23. 88 ) 2

P( x | No)  
exp   
  
exp   
7.09 2  2  7.09  7.09 2
 50.25 
Naïve Bayes
• See the gender classification example

Bayes Formula
Generative Model

• Color
• Size
• Texture
• Weight
• …
Numerical Stability
• It is often the case that machine learning
algorithms need to work with very small
– Imagine computing the probability of 2000
independent coin flips
– MATLAB thinks that (0.5)2000 = 0
Underflow Prevention
• Multiplying lots of probabilities
 floating-point underflow.

• Recall: log(xy) = log(x) + log(y),

 better to sum logs of probabilities rather than

multiplying probabilities.
Underflow Prevention
• Class with highest final un-normalized log
probability score is still the most probable.

cNB  argmax log P(c j ) 

c jC
 log P( x | c )
i positions
i j
Underflow Prevention
• Naïve Bayes based on the independence assumption
– Training is very easy and fast; just requiring considering
each attribute in each class separately
– Test is straightforward; just looking up tables or
calculating conditional probabilities with normal
• A popular generative model
– Performance competitive to most of state-of-the-art
classifiers even in presence of violating independence
– Many successful applications, e.g., spam mail filtering

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