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Locations and Set Designs

Emily Wood
Location List:
 Notting (Primrose) Hill Houses (by Regents Park, London)
 Paper Mill Loch (Chelmsford)
 Adventure Island
 CLC, Bromfords Studio/Hall/Lecture Space
 Memorial Park
 Hadleigh Castle
 Barleylands Farm and Craft Village (Rainbow Music)
 LP2
 The Front of the School, Trees etc.
 Garden possibly
 St Catherine’s Church, Baptist Church (Places with stained glass
windows for colourful lighting effects)
 Beach Huts at West Mersea, Mersea Island
 The University at Southend (with colourful walls)
Set Design:
 Bright Colours – contrast
 Varied heights of objects
 Neon, Lights, Curved furniture
 Screen/TV in the centre of the set
 Strange/Obscure angles of items, use of rule of thirds
 Use of Diagonals
 Coloured Lights
 Bright, White, Lit Spaces Well with Reflective Lights
 Camera flood lights
 Futuristic, Modern, Comfortable
 Colours Chosen Compliment the Name of the Show
Eg: “Daybreak” uses oranges and warm tones to provide
a sense of a sunrise.

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