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• Among the most popular dishes we can highlight the

rice with chicken, the lomo saltado, the ribs of pork to

the Chinese box, papa a la huancaína, among others.
Peruvian cuisine has won hundreds of international
awards that recognize the genius of chefs and the best
of culinary traditions thanks to the culture of our people.

Rice With Stuffed Hot

Chicken Pepper

Typical Dishes

Papa A La Chili
Huancaina Pepper

• It is the flag dish of Peru, this dish
has ingredients such as fish,
lemon, chili, onion, cilantro, salt
and pepper. All these ingredients
are mixed in a container and left
to rest for about 20 minutes until it
is ready for consumption, it will be
important to use a good fish such
as grouper, sole or sea bass. It
can be served with sweet potato,
corn, or even potato and a leaf of
lettuce, the flavor of the sea
ingredients are combined with the
Andean touch, achieving a
delicious dish.
This dish native to Arequipa, is
made from a rocoto the size of an
apple, which is filled with this fruit
with ground meat, onion, olives,
grated fresh cheese and boiled
egg, all fried and seasoned with
salt, cumin and other condiments
to taste. This famous dish is prepared
anywhere in the country
and also the rocoto is
exported to other parts of
the world, but it should be
noted that this dish is not
suitable for any palate
since it has a particular
characteristic, it is very

This dish comes from the mixture It is said that the chicken has
of Spanish and Quechua always had a reputation for
ingredients, is prepared with having a better taste than
chicken lint, yellow chili, bread chicken so this dish will be a
mold, soda biscuits, milk and the good excuse to prove it, it is
same chicken broth, served with prepared in different regions of
yellow potatoes, olives and slices Peru but those who prepare the
of egg hard. best chili are Lima.
• It is a unique dish that comes from
the mixture of Peruvian and
Chinese food, it is the most famous
Creole dish and ordered by the
diners. The recipe is quite simple
since its preparation consists of
frying pieces of beef tenderloin,
with vegetables, yellow pepper
and soy sauce. Once the meat
and vegetables are ready, French
fries are added and it is usually
served with rice. We can find this
dish in any restaurant and
• This dish is originally from Huancayo
and Peru is one of the countries
with more varieties of potatoes in
the world, this dish is mainly
characterized by the sauce it has,
with which it bathes the potato
parboiled, which is prepared with
cheese , oil, salt and yellow
pepper. At the time of serving it is
served with black olives and slices
of hard-boiled egg, all this on fresh
lettuce leaves. It is a very simple
dish to prepare and it is usually
served as an appetizer before
• It is a traditional Peruvian dish, it is
a very tasty dish due to the variety
of ingredients it includes. It is
prepared with cilantro, paprika,
spinach, onion, carrot, peas,
among other ingredients. Rice
with chicken gets that greenish
color thanks to cilantro, one of the
most used ingredients in Peruvian
cuisine, in addition cilantro dyes
the rice of a slightly greenish color,
which makes the difference with
respect to rice with chicken from
other countries.
It is one of the most representative of
Peruvian cuisine, formerly in Peru was
prepared based on yellow potatoes,
kneading and mixing with crushed
At present, the ingredients used for its
preparation are Peruvian yellow
potatoes, yellow peppers, lettuce,
lemon, boiled egg, avocado and
black olives.
The name of the case comes from
the Quechua language, from the
term "Kausay" which means
necessary food or sustenance, this
name was also given to the yellow
This dish can be consumed cold or hot,
however it is equally delicious. Its basic
ingredients with yellow pepper, a lot of
vinegar and onion, this dish is prepared
with chicken or fish.

For the result of this dish to be perfect,

the first thing to do is season the
chicken with salt and pepper, then
sancocharlo in water with vinegar and
salt, drain the chicken and finally fry it in

Other ingredients are also added such

as garlic, ground panca chili, cumin,
hard boiled egg, olives, sweet potato
and lettuce.
The origin of this dish is chincha, in the department
of Ica. This dish has a mixture of ingredients from
Chinese, Italian and Spanish cuisine, it is one of the
stews whose origin goes back to the wedding
banquet, whose parents both boyfriend and
girlfriend, competed for being the best entertainers
the couple.
Finally it was decided to mix everything in one dish,
the ingredients are chicken, noodle noodles,
chopped onion, cumin, ground annatto, tomato,
basil, parsley and olive oil. To make the carapulcra is
necessary pork, potato tomasa, ground panca chili,
freshly roasted peanuts and boiled yucca.
It is a Peruvian Creole dish based on meat,
particularly heart of beef, inserted in a stick of
cane that is cooked on the grill and seasoned in
a special way with ají panca.

This delicious dish can be accompanied by

corn, potatoes, hot peppers and chicha
morada or chicha de jora.

They are usually eaten on holidays, however there

are also several lime carts that prepare it, especially
in the district of Barranco for the park of sighs and in
some restaurants.

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