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 Boy (Roger)
 Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones

 One night on a street
 One night a boy named Roger try to steal the purse of mrs. Luella
bates washington jones. But because it it so heavy and Mrs. Jones
is quite stout he trips however and Mrs. Jones kick him and grabs
him by the shirt.
 When Roger and Mrs. Jones arrive at her house she asks that he
can come in and wash his face if he wants. She then heats up some
food for them and asks him why he tried to steal from her.
 He tells her that he wants to buy a pair of blue suede shoes. She
graciously gives him the money and told him not to steal the the
purse of anyones else for that matter. When she leads him to the
door and bids him good night, Roger wants to say something other
than “thank you ma’am” but nothing suitable comes to mind.
 As he turns to look at Mrs. Jones in the doorway, he can barely get
the words ‘thank you’, out of his mouth before she shuts the door.

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