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• Tuberculosis is an infection
caused by bacteria. It's spread
through the air—when an
infected person coughs,
sneezes, laughs, etc. However,
it is not easy to become
infected with tuberculosis.
Usually, a person has to be
close to someone with TB
disease for a long period of
Tuberculosis Symptoms
• A persistent cough
• Constant fatigue
• Weight loss
• Loss of appetite
• Fever
• Coughing up blood
• Night sweats
Preventing Tuberculosis
If you have become infected with
TB, but do not have active TB
disease, you may get preventive
therapy. This treatment kills
germs that are not doing any
damage right now, but could so
do in the future. The most
common preventive therapy is a
daily dose of the medicine
isoniazid (INH) for 6 to 9 months.
• Pneumonia is a common lung
infection caused by germs,
such as bacteria, viruses, and
fungi. It can be a
complication of the flu, but
other viruses, bacteria and
even fungi can cause
pneumonia. Anyone can get
pneumonia, but some people
are more at risk than others
Pneumonia symtoms
• Cough, which may produce
greenish, yellow or even bloody
• Fever, sweating and shaking chills
• Shortness of breath
• Rapid, shallow breathing
• Sharp or stabbing chest pain that
gets worse when you breathe
deeply or cough

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