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Bullying is physical and / or psychological abuse

deliberation and continuation that is transmitted.

 The people who are victims of bullying are six times more probabilities to have a serious
diseases, consume psychoactive substances or develop a psychiactric disorder.
 Low self-esteem is one of the most common causes of bullying, until it reaches the point of
generating depression problems in the victim.
 People who are victims of bullying can develop the following psychological characteristics:
low self-esteem, they are usually quiet, tendency to isolation, in case of be a
student presents fear or panic to go to school.
 A 2014 study conducted by researchers at King's College London found that negative social,
physical and mental effects were still evident 40 years later.
• 2 out of 10 students suffer bullying in the world, approximately 246 million children
and adolescents suffer harassment according to recent UNESCO reports.

• Most of the victims begin to feel lost in the interest for the study, for the things that
motivated them at the time and it is in that moment where the person develops
lower yields and failures in their daily life. However, in those people appear fobic
disorders and feelings of guilt.

• The consequences of bullying are very serious, physical and especially

psychological, and some people can have sequeale throughout life

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