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The verb to be

The verb BE is the only English verb that

has several verb forms for showing person
and number:
Uses of the verb to be
• To introduce yourself.
I am Charles
• To talk about ages.
He is 25 years old
• To talk about countries and nationalities.
You are from Mexico, You are mexican
To talk about professions.
He is a teacher.
• To talk about moods.
They are happy

• To describe a person, object or animals.

I am tall
The car is blue
Those lions are angry

• To talk about location.

My mother is at work

• To talk about marital status.

I am single
Personal Pronouns
Affirmative Negative Questions
I am I am Not Am I?
You are You are Not Are You?
He He He?
She is She is Not Is She?
It It It?

We We We?
You are You are not Are You?
They They They?
Simple Present
• To talk about routines
I get up at 7:00 o’clock every day

• To talk about habits.

He brushes his teeth every day

• To talk about facts.

The president of Mexico lives in Los Pinos
Spelling verbs rules in third
• 1. For verbs that end in -o, -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, or -z we add -es in the third person.
go – goes
catch – catches
wash – washes
kiss – kisses
fix – fixes
buzz – buzzes

• 2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES.
marry – marries
study – studies
carry – carries
worry – worries

• 3. For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.

play – plays
enjoy – enjoys
say – says
Simple Present Structure
Read the following text and talk to your classmates about it.

A day in the life of the Johnsons.

Andrew Johnson is from Atlanta, but he lives in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana. He is 28
years old; he is married and has three children, Emma, Joe, and Ryan. His wife’s name is
Carrie. Andrew is a technician in a phone company and works around the city. If there is a
problem with the customers’ phone lines or telephones, he goes to their houses and solves the
His work schedule is from 09:00 to 17:00, but from 12:30 to 13:00 he has lunch. He brings a
sandwich and coffee from his house, but when he is close to his house at that time, he has
lunch with his wife and kids.
Carrie is a housewife; she stays at home where she takes care of Ryan who is 2 years old. She
works around the house, she cleans the rooms, dusts the furniture, washes clothes or she
studies Spanish on the internet when she is free.
Emma and Joe study in Wade Elementary School. Emma is in third grade and Joe in eighth.
They are at school from 08:00 to 15:00. They study subjects like math, history, English,
geography and, as a second language, Emma studies Spanish and Joe, French. When Andrew
comes home, they have dinner at 18:00. After, the children do their homework and go to bed
early. Andrew and his wife like to read, watch a movie or talk about their day until past 10:00
when they go to sleep.

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