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A hypothesis is a tentative or temporary

solution to a scientific problem or an explanation
for why something happens.

Although a hypothesis usually develops from

the intuition of the scientist, it is based on
observations or facts.
A hypothesis does not always prove to be
correct, and it may have to be rejected altogether
or at least revised. Progress involves continually
refining hypotheses as new information comes to
English To Hypothesize
A hypothesis is a tentative proporsition that
resolves a problem or answer a scientific question.
A theory is a hypothesis that is generally accepted.
However, the words hypothesis and theory are
frequently used interchangeably.
Einstein’s states: The speed of light in
vacum is the same in all inertial frames of
reference and is independent of the motion
of the source.
Thus in de Broglie’s hypothesis, the
relationships of wavelength to momentum
and of frequency to energy are exactly the
same for free particles as for photons.
Using modals of probability
• Probability may be expressed with the use of the
modals “must, may, might, and could”.
• The modal must conveys a much stronger
probability than the others.
• In scientific writing, these modals are frequently
used with the verb to be.
• Example :
The greenhouse effect may be warming our earth.
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• Modern hypothesis that supports a flat earth theory
coined by, Samuel Rowbotham (1816-1884). Based
on his interpretation of certain passages in the
Bible, Rowbotham published a 16-page pamphlet,
which he later developed into a 430 page thick book
entitled Earth Not a Globe, outlining his views.
Under the system Rowbotham, which he called
"Astronomy Zetetis", the earth is a flat disc centered
on the North Pole and is surrounded by a wall of ice

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