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* .NET framework provides runtime environmet
* It provides to run all programs and application
* The code under CLR is known as managed code.
* It provides memory management and thread
* CLR garbage collector to manage the allocation and
relase of memory for an application
* Language compilers(C#,VB.NET,J#) will convert the
code/program will convert the code/program to
(MSIL) Microsoft Intermediate Language inturn this
will be converted to Native code by CLR.

Source MSIL & Meta

.NET Language
Code(.Net Data(Portable
Technologies) Executable File)

Native Code CLR(JIT)

Common type system (CTS) is used for declaring,
using managing data types at runtime.For
example VB.NET has ‘integer’ datatype and c#
has int data type for managing intergers. After
compilation, ‘Int32 is used by both.It has two
• Value type
Stores data in memory allocated on the stack or
inline in a structure. It holds data directly.

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