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Ways of walking

limp tiptoe trek creep hike stroll

6 1 2 3 5 4
1) it means to walk on the front part of your feet to
avoid making noise.
2) a long and tiresome walk, usually over land such
as hills or forests.
3) it means to walk quietly and slowly so that no one
notices you.
4) to walk a short distance,slowly, relaxed and for
5) to walk a long way in the countryside for
6) to walk with difficulty putting more weight on one
leg, either because it is painful or injured.
Ways of walking
wander stagger shuffle trudge march stomp
5 4 1 2 3 6
1) to walk pulling your feet slowly along the ground
like old people or someone wearing slippers.
2) to walk slowly and with effort while carrying
something heavy or in a difficult surface.
3) to walk quickly with firm and regular steps and
your body stiff, sometimes in a formal group.
4) to walk with difficulty but unsteadily, almost
falling because you are drunk or dizzy.
5) to walk around in a relaxed way with no
particular aim or direction.
6) to walk with intentionally heavy steps, making a
lot of noise to show that you are angry.
Ways of walking
sneak edge tread wade stride
5 4 2 3 1
1) to walk quickly with long steps.
2) to put your feet down or step on someone’s toes,
feet or on something like mud or oil.
3) to walk through water with difficulty.
4) to move slowly with gradual movements, carefully,
especially sideways along or through a small space
because you do not have enough room to move
5) to move secretly, trying to hide from someone.
Complete the sentences with the appropriate verbs.

1) The elderly lady.....into the house carrying her heavy shopping

2) Christine...carefully down the stairs in the middle of the night
and left the house.She was sick and tired of living with that
disgusting landlady.
3) For an hour and a half we.....around the old city,totally lost.
4) Three minutes into the match, the pitch with a
serious ankle injury.
5) The river was full but we managed to..........across.
6) She kept.........on his toes when they were dancing.
7) The hotel is ideally situated up the hill and not only can we
go.........but also horse-riding and canoeing..
8) The when the guard had his back turned.
9) I heard someone.........around the kitchen in their slippers.
10) As we went into the pub,a drunken man.........out of the door.
Check your answers:
1) The elderly lady trudged into the house carrying her heavy
shopping bag.
2) Christine tiptoed carefully down the stairs in the middle of the
night and left the house. She was sick and tired of that disgusting
3) For an hour and a half we wandered around the old city, totally
4) Three minutes into the match,Edmundo limped off the pitch with a
serious ankle injury.
5) The river was full but we managed to wade across.
6) She kept treading on his toes when they were dancing.
7) The hotel is ideally situated up in the hill and not only can we go
treking but also horse-riding and canoeing.
8) The thieves sneaked in when the guard had his back turned.
9) I heard someone shuffling around the kitchen in their slippers.
10) As we went into the pub, a drunken man staggered out of the
Memory Game 20 words

creep edge hike limp march

pace shuffle stagger sneak step
stomp stride stroll tiptoe tread
trek trudge wade walk wander

to walk at regular steps

to move by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different placece

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