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Class 2.

Date: 27.3.2010
 Imagine that you
are travelling to
the seaside.
 How would you
organise your trip?
 What type of
transport will you
 1. Agree on a location (town or city)
 2. Agree on a mode of transport (can you all
fit? Can your things fit as well?)
 3. How long are you staying?
 4. See the distance from Zagreb to your
destination on Google Maps
 5. Do you travel by the motorway (faster but
costs more) or by state road (takes longer
but is cheaper)
 6. How much would the trip cost (fuel+toll),
without hotels, food, etc.
 2. Complete the text
 Transport of passengers, as well as transport
of _________
freight has to be well organized and

 Three stages to be considered when

organizing transport are _________,
preparation transport
process and its __________
last phase.
Preparation Transport process Last Phase
Pickup location Transportation of Unloading
Pickup location Transportation of Getting off the board
Luggage handling Transportation of Final delivery
luggage location
loading Passenger departure Passenger arrival

boarding Picking up the

 At the bus station
 Good morning, how much is the ticket to
 Hello! Let me see your ticket, please.
 Here you are
 I will take your luggage, you can go and take
your seat.
 Thank you
 Good afternoon, when is the first train to
 It leaves in 10 minutes
 And when does it arrive there?
 Great! A return ticket, please.
 Here you are. Which platform?
 If you travel in one direction, you buy a one-
way ticket
 If you travel to your destination and back
again, you buy a return ticket.
 Transport stages – faze transporta
 Transport process – transportni proces
 Commercial phase – komercijalna faza
 Finishing operations – završne radnje
 April9th
 Drive energy
 Basics of transport and transfer technology
 Focus on vocabulary
 Sentences need to be grammatically correct!

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