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“Food poisoning “
Composed by:
Winda susanti
Why do we get food poisoning?

• The most common cause of food poisoning is

bacteria, although it can also be caused by
fungi, algae, parasites, or viruses
What are the signs and symptoms of food poisoning?

Some coon signs and symptoms of food poisoning are :

1. Nausea and vomiting
2. Diarrhea (can be accompained by blood if poisoning
is caused by the bacteria campylobacter or E.coli)
3. Stomach aches and cramps, usually whitin 12-72
hours after eating
4. Dehydration, as a further symptom of nausea and
5. headache
First aid for children with food poisoning

1. Check the child’s body temperature

2. Record how many times he has vomited and
defecated. Check the color of vomiting and
large water. If the color of vomiting is mixed
wih green (from bile), plus there is abdominal
pain, and distended stomach, immediately
take it to the doctor. Likewise, if the bowel is
mixed with mucus, blood or pus.
3. Avoid foods and drinks that stimulate
gastic work. Like sour, spicy, fatty foods,
caffeinated or carbonated drinks.
4. Give ORS little by little as substitute for
food. You can make yourself using water
mixed with salt and sugar.
5. If the condition does not improve within
12 hours, immediately take it to the doctor

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