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Proposed Semester Project

Estrella Mountain
Regional Park
• Regional park: A natural, unspoiled area giving visitors an alternative
to city surroundings.
• Fully functional, sustainable and energy efficient
• Natural environment undisturbed
• Garden roof system
• A central skylight
• Multi-usage facility i.e. Amphitheater, patios, classrooms
Proposed Changes
• Retail area increase by 40%
The proposal will entail getting rid of the movable partition between
the exhibit area and classroom. Classroom sq. footage will be reduced.
• Change of electrical light
Current fluorescent bulbs will be replaced with more energy efficient
lighting based on current standards.
• Replace garden roof with solar panels
The goal would be to reduce the risk of fire during the summer months
and increase energy efficiency
• Addition of Shading devices
Addition of shading devices to sandwich the building and further protect the building from the
suns glare, direct solar radiation, rain etc.
Take note of overheated and underheated months during design phase.
• Change of orientation
To fully take advantage of passive and active solar strategies. This will include the installation of
solar panels and re-construction of windows.
Optimization of current orientation will be taken into account.
Have windows on the east- west walls and possibly none of the north walls.

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