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By: Syed Muhammad Jamal

An Array is a collection of data elements of the same type.

Each element of array have same data type , storage class

What is an and same characteristics.

Array? Each element is stored in successive location of the main


These are known as members of the Array.

An ice cube tray.

Tray is the array

Daily Life
Cubes in it are elements

Number of cubes in the tray is size of the tray(array)

Array is defined in the same way as a variable Is defined.

Syntax of array definition is

storage_class data_type array_name[size]

Defining an
Example: int marks[6]
Marks is the name of Array.

[6] is the size of array.

Int is the data type.

Two Types of
Simplest form or Array.
It is a type of linear array.
Type one is
Items stored are stored in row from 0 to size of Array.
dimensional One dimensional array consist of single list accessed by single

Array. index number.

Example of
Sometimes data has to be manipulated and stored in tabular

Type two is format or in the form of a matrix.

Multi- In the form of rows and columns data is displayed.

Dimensional- Subjects are listed in columns.

Array Names in rows



Syntax of 2-D Array_arrMakrs[3][2]

Array 
Two Pairs of brackets are used in declaration and
length is specified within the square bracket.
Example Of 2-
D Array
 The default way to search for a specific item is to compare item

one by one.
 In this search starts with first element and continues until the
Techniques either element is found or end of the list is searched

1.Sequential Example: A phonebook to look some name.

Will check the first name if found will print the name if not wil

check another name.

Best Search for sorted array.

Powerful item for searching an ordered list.

For Example: Dictionary. In dictionary people don’t start from first

2.Binary page

Search If they are lucky they would find the item

If not then they will have to search again.

In binary search the data is split into two half and middle item
value is compared.
Example of
Binary Search
 In internal sort sorting takes place in main memory of computer

 Data Collection is small accommodated in main memory

 Different Types of Internal sort are

Different Sort
 Selection Sort
1.Internal Sort  Quick Sort

 Bubble Sort

 Insertion Sort
Find the minimum value in the list by iterating over whole list
Swap this value with the first value
Repeat these two steps
Divides the List into two Sub-List.

Pick an element from the list, element is called pivot value.

Reorder the list so that all elements smaller than pivot value
Quick Sort positioned before the pivot value.
Works Repeatedly iterating through a list.
Comparing two elements at a time and swapping them wherever

Bubble Sort
Builds final Sorted array (or-list)

One item at a time

Less efficient when the list is large

Insertion Sort
When file size is large and not accommodated by main memory.

Data needs to be stored in external disks.

Sorting Sorting With Disks.

Sorting with tapes.


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