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Monetisasi merupakan proses konversi
sesuatu yang tidak mempunyai nilai
menjadi sesuatu yang mempunyai nilai
jual yang lebih




Building a Ecosystem with One App
We Chat
WeChat is more than just an ‘app’ on a
smartphone. Tencent, its parent company, has
unbundled the traditional desktop OS, or at least
our idea of one. It’s one app for media sharing,
social media, movie bookings (the irony), taxi-
hailing, payments, video calls, commerce and
more. It also has its own Slack-like corporate
account. Hell, even government agencies use

In Fact
Users check the app at least 10 times a day
on an average, and more than 80% of users
purchase products online. That kind of
stickiness at such scale is unprecedented.

It’s not really an app as much as an

Operating System for smartphones.
WeChat is a Super App.

In 2010, Mike Lazaridis, the Founder of Blackberry, took a
stab at what a ‘Super App’ constitutes, “…representing
a new class of mobile applications that make you
wonder how you ever lived without them.” Lazaridis’
definition was a closed ecosystem of “many apps”
that people would use everyday “…because they offer
such a seamless, integrated, contextualised and
efficient experience”. Blackberry, as you know, got
unbundled because they charged the user to be on a
‘platform’, without adding services to the platform.

What makes for a Super App?

What makes GOJEK a
Super App
GOJEK is one app for ordering food, commuting,
digital payments, shopping, hyper-local delivery,
getting a massage, and two dozen services. It’s
Indonesia’s first and fastest growing unicorn,
building an on-demand empire. GOJEK runs the
equivalent of three Indian unicorns rolled into one.

With more than 125+ million app downloads, and

total order volumes growing 6600x in 36 months,
GOJEK already has 18+ products. Every year, the
company adds more ammunition to its arsenal. It’s
the only hyper-growth startup in the world from a
developing country. One app, many use cases. 10
GOJEK is a #SuperApp.

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