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Implication on Greece

1. Most international banks and foreign investors have sold their Greek bonds and other holdings, so
they are no longer vulnerable to what happens in Greece.
2. Yunani sulit mendapatkan pinjaman. Jika ada pun bunganya sangat tinggi, dengan resiko utang
tidak dapat dilunasi.
3. Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk melakukan sinering terhadap gaji pegawai negeri,
menaikkan beberapa jenis pajak, memangkas upah buruh swasta sebesar 15%, birokrasi 30%,
menunda dana pensiun, dan memangkas anggaran militer sebagai upaya meningkatkancadangan
4. Yunani kini resmi menjadi negara bangkrut karena tidak punya uang untuk membayar utang
sebesar USD 1,7 miliar atau setara Rp 22,7 triliun ke International Monetary Fund (IMF) yang jatuh
tempo pada 30 Juni 2015 lalu, menimbulkan kekurangan uang dimasyarakat.
Implication on Eurozone

Greece’s debt crisis have set precedents for how the debt crises in other Eurozone
countries have been handled

Greece’s crisis has exacerbated concerns about the health of the fragile European
financial sector

Greece’s debt crisis has created new financial liabilities for other European countries

Greek crisis has highlighted the policy constraints on members of the Eurozone

Greek crisis has sparked a broader re-examination of EU economic governance, in

order to improve the long-term functioning and stability of the currency union

Greece’s debt crisis has posed challenges to and opportunities for deeper EU integration

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