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Modals are auxiliary verbs except “be” ( am, is, are,

was, were, do, and have verbs

Examples of modals are:

can should
could ought to
may will
might would
Uses of modal can
 ability / possibility
Ex. They can commute from home to school
 Inability / impossibility
Ex. The students can’t fix the faucet
 Asking for permission
Ex. Can I read here?
 Making a request
Ex. Can you teach me?
Uses of modal could
 Asking for permission
Ex. Could I borrow your ball pen?
 Making a request
Ex. Could you demonstrate it to me more slowly?
 Giving suggestions
Ex. We could try to arrange a meeting ourselves
 Future possibility
Ex. I think we could have another panel discussion
 Ability in the past
Ex. She could dance gracefully before the accident.
Uses of modal may
 Asking for permission
Ex. May I have another glass of milk?
 Future possibility
Ex. The Philippines may become a major tourist attraction.
Use of modal might
 Future possibility
Ex. They might give us another chance.
Uses of modal must
 Necessity/ obligation
Ex. We must say our prayers now.
 Prohibition
Ex. They mustn’t use their cell phone during class hours.
Uses of modal ought to
 Saying what’s right or correct or necessary
Ex. We ought to employ a clerk.
Uses of modal shall
 Making an offer
Ex. Shall I help you with your work?
 Giving a suggestion
Ex. Shall we leave at 4 p.m. ?
 Asking what to do
Ex. Shall I send the letter now.
Uses of modal will
 Making an offer
Ex. I will call him for you if you like.
 Making a promise
Ex. I will return the charger tomorrow.
 Certain prediction
Ex. Enrollment in MJC will increase next year.
Uses of modal would
 Asking for permission
Ex. Would you mind if I get in and sit for a while?
 Making a request
Ex. Would you pass the catsup please?
 Asking for help
Ex. Would you mind giving me a hand?
 Making arrangement
Ex. “Would Friday suit you?” – “That would be fine.”
 Issuing an invitation
Ex. Would you like to play basketball on Saturday.
 Stating preference
Ex. “Would you prefer chocolate or orange?” “I would like
orange please.”

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