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Alondra Vargas
Jordan Puentes
Giovanna Tapia
Jeffrey Sanchez
What form of government is Monarchy ?
Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom.

The British Monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy.

This means that, while The Head of State, has the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an
elected Parliament.

A Parliamentary monarchy is a state headed by a monarch who is not actively involved in policy formation
or implementation the process of putting a decision or plan into effect
What does category does Monarchy fall under ?
- Monarchy falls under supreme power, usually a king or queen is
the head of state and is called a “ monarch “ , he/she had an
important role and serious responsibilities to do since he/she were
the only ones allowed to have a voice.
What culture was used in Monarchy ?
Rome was a monarchy government for a while. According to an old legend, the
first Roman king was Romulus ( that's where Rome supposedly got its name from
) he first became king in 753 BC, and ended in 509 BC. Throughout the time,
there were several different kings. The last king of Rome was Lucius Tarquinius
Which philosopher supported Monarchy ?
- Plato supported monarchy, he felt like it was a true form of government.
- Plato promoted a government on virtue and justice
- That lead to the common good of everyone including noble, rich and poor
Why was Monarchy used ?
- This form of government was used so that society won't be
complicated and chaotic. Only one person makes decisions,
instead of hundreds of people.
When, How and Why wasn’t Monarchy used anymore ?

This form of government was later not used because the monarchy
basically starting losing Its power
What influences of Monarchy are seen today ?
Influences of monarchy that are see today is the president of the United States

Being head of state and making all the decisions for the citizens of the United
What other forms of government did the culture
There were two main types of monarchy government

● Absolute Monarchy which exists when monarch has no or few legal limitations
● Constitutional Monarchy which exists when the monarch retains a district ice
legal role but no political power

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