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Federal features of American

constitutional system
 Written constitution
 Rigid constitution
 Supremacy of constitution
 Dual polity
 Independent judiciary
 Bi –cameral legislature
 Double citizenship
 Separate constitution for the state
Tendency of centralization in
American federal system
 Physical, economic and social changes
 Civil war, 1861-1865
 Constitutional amendments
 Laws passed by the congress from time to time
 Judicial decisions and the doctrine of implied powers
 Federal grant in- aid
 Swift means of transport and communication
 For better and balanced economic progress
 Impact of world situation
 Universal tendency towards centre
Future of federalism in united
 Existence of state government
 For federal government, the respect of the territorial
integrity of the states is must
 Equality of the states
 Approval of the states over constitutional amendments
 Residuary powers with the state
 Plan of president Reagen

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