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Project 3:

Second Amendment

Ethan Carlile, Emily Jensen, & Devin Bricker

What does the 2nd Amendment Say?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security

of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed.
● What does that mean to you?
● What does Militia mean?
● Is it still relevant today?
● What is the main intention of the Second amendment?
The Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the security of a free State (...)”

Although this statement can be inferred in many different

ways, well regulated is not giving anyone the ability to inflict
any danger on anyone they choose.

● What does “well regulated” mean to you?

History of the Second Amendment

Bill of Rights

● Created as a part of the Bill of Rights

● There is debate over the intent of the Second Amendment
● Defense of an individual's right to bear arms, “... the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


● View that it’s a way to keep state’s power, “A well regulated Militia, being
necessary to the security of a free State…”
History of the Second Amendment Continued...

● Presser v. State of Illinois

○ Individual bodies of people cannot create militias without the permission of the Governor
● Second Amendment rights restricted
● Militias are for the State only
● However individuals can get own militias with granted permission of
● States vs. Guns?
Current Debate Over Second Amendment
● While there are more than two sides, just like how
there is to any problem, but the two seperate sides
are those in favor in free gun laws and those in
favor of gun control.
○ Arguments for free gun laws: Guns deter crime, the
constitution supports guns, gun control laws make people
feel less free, and gun control laws will not stop criminals
from getting them.
○ Arguments for gun control: Gun control laws will limit gun
deaths, guns are rarely used in self defense, legally owned
guns are often stolen and used by criminals, and would
generally lessen the cost society has to pay for this.
● Thoughts?
Current Court Case

● On January 23rd, 2019 the Supreme Court decided to have a hearing on the
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. New York City court case
● Deals with cities that ban movement of guns outside of the city
● If ruled in favor of the Association, then it will increase gun rights by
allowing more free movement of the guns
● Opinions?
Social Implications

★ In 2018 there was 47,220+ gun related incidents

○ Including: mass shootings, murder, suicide, and accidents.
○ Only 1,487 (3.1%) of those incidents involved defencive use of a weapon

★ According to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, guns kept in
the house are more likely to be the cause of a fatal shooting, suicide attempt
or criminal assault than they are to be used as self-defense.
★ As of 2016, the united states ranked 20th worldwide in death by gun violence
per capita (deaths per 100,000 people), however, the United States ranked
2nd for total amount of deaths at 37,000.
Mass Shootings

people have been victims of mass
shooters, in 2019 alone. That
averages almost five people
killed/ injured every single day.

★ Although the press tends to cover stories of mass shooters with mental
illnesses, only 11% of perpetrators have a mental illness.
★ In 57% of the incidents, the shooter killed a family member/ former partner.
★ There is no bias between male and female victims
★ 27% of people killed are under the age of 17
★ 38% of shooters were banned from owning guns
Heller Created Arguments

● Created as a part of the American Constitution

● Founding Fathers explicitly put it into the Bill of Rights
● Keeps us safe from tyranny
● Hunting
● Personal and home defense
● There is a strong push from the conservative community that guns keep us
safe from dangerous

Works Cited
“History of the Second Amendment”:

“Reasons in favor of the Second Amendment”

“Against Second Amendment”

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