Four Types of Sentences According To Structure

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Four Types of Sentences

According to Purpose:
Declarative sentence (.)
Imperative sentence (.)
Interrogative sentence (?)
Exclamatory sentence (!)
Declarative sentences or
declarations convey information
or make statements.
 Marcco crosses the street carefully.
 His brother has lived in Davao City for ten
 Kent knows to clean the table after each
 Ryan sings a song.
Periods indicate
declarative sentences in
written English.
2. Interrogative Sentence
 Interrogative sentences, or questions, request information or
asks question.

 Example
 When does the jeepney leave for school?
 Have you brushed your teeth today?
 What is the title of your favorite song?
 Where will you throw your biscuit wrapper?
Question mark is the
punctuation used in
interrogative sentences.
3. Imperative sentence
Marcco, kindly close the door.
Kent, please give me a glass
of water.
Ryan, please stand up.
Students please come to
school tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
Exclamatory Sentences
Hurray! Kent won in the contest.
Ouch! It hurts my fingers.
Yes! Mommy is here now.
Oh, no! Daddy left the car key
inside my bag.

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