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on From
By Jafeth Lob
What period were you the least
● I was happy most of the time,
I didn’t have any problems.
● I was 4 for most of the
periods except 5th, I had a 5.
What Period were you the happiest?
● This chart is about me and
the happiness of each
● The period that I was the
happiest is 5 period which
is lunch.
● We are able to have fun
during that period.
What day were you the least
● The day that I was the least
happiest was Friday 4/26/19.
● This graph shows the number
of happiness for each period
and each day.
What day were you in the
● This graph shows the
number of happiness for
each period and each day.
● The day that I was in the
middle was 4/22/19 Monday.
What day were you the happiest?
● This graph shows the
number of happiness for
each period and each day.
● The day that I was the
happiest was 4/23/19
How did your mood change
through the week.
● My mood change
throughout the week
from Monday my
happiness being really
low to Friday being
really happy because
it’s the weekend.

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