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Do you think e-testing is


Why/Why not?
What is E-Testing
• It known as Electronic Testing and it is any test that
replicates or replaces paper based tests with the use
of technology.

• The benefits of administering this to students are

Benefits of E-Testing
Improved Quality
E-testing brings improved validity to the test forms
students are given. Using a variety of stimuli and
response formats through different media, adds to the
authenticity of the tests.
It allows for more accurate judgement being made
about the candidate’s competence.
Benefits of E-Testing
It fits into candidates’ skill set
Students of today are technologically advance when
compared to those of the past
E-testing is a natural fit as it leverages the skills that
they are developing on a daily basis.
Students will be able to take advantage of their
knowledge and experience as well as their general tech
savviness and use those skills for educational purposes.
Benefits of E-Testing
It enhances the possibilities for disabled
candidates accessing the examinations.
Students with disabilities now have the advantage of
accessing test which might have been challenging with
paper-based testing.
Test can incorporate synthesized speeches, prints can be
magnified, and the use of graphics and videos to enhance
the authenticity of the test.
E-testing also provides for various ways of giving responses.
Benefits of E-Testing
Environmentally friendly
E-testing reduces the need for administering paper-
based test which means that the environmental impact
of e-testing is small.
Assessments can be administered to several form
classes and throughout several years without the use
and subsequent disposal of paper-based test
Benefits of E-Testing
Immediate Grading
Some e-test (multiple choice, True/False) allows for immediate
feedback allowing students to instantly see how they did on
an assessment.
This immediate grading frees up teachers to focus on
feedback, which is critical for learning and is also less time

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