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Module 19

Meaning of motivation
 Also known as ..
“hook” or “anticipatory”
Is a process whereby a goal –directed
activity is instigated and sustained.
Is an inner drive that causes you to do
something and persevere at something.
It energizes you to do something.
Refers to the initiations, direction,
intensity and persistence of behavior.
Indicators of a high level of
A highly motivated learner accomplished
and performs well in contrast to an
unmotivated or a poorly motivated one
who seems not to have any desire to
accomplish things or perform well. That
force can be intensified by factors outside
a learner (extrinsic) or factors inside
him/her or by the activity itself (intrinsic)
Examples of high motivated student.
A student who is excited about learning
and accomplishing things.
She/he takes the initiative to undertake
learning task, assignment and project
without pushed by his/her teachers and
She/he willing to give up the satisfaction
of immediate goals for the sake of more
important remote goals.
In summary, motivated student have
the following characteristic traits:
Have positive attitudes toward school
and describe school as satisfying.

on difficulty tasks and cause few
management problems.
Intrinsic motivation
Is shown in the enjoyment of the activity
itself and the inner conviction of the
learner that such things are the right
things to do in order to realize a personal
goal or a life dream.
Extrinsic motivation
Factors include reward, incentive praise
or words of encouragement, approval of
significant others like teachers, parents,
peer group or their opposites fear
punishment, withdrawal o privileges,
censure and ostracism.
Play an indispensable function when
learner is not yet intrinsically motivated
to learn.
Thank you !!!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-

present help in trouble
psalm 46:1-3

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