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Chapter 3

Prof. S.S. Jang
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Tsing-Hua Univeristy
 Optimality Criteria
 Direct Search Methods
• Nelder and Mead (Simplex Search)
• Hook and Jeeves(Pattern Search)
• Powell’s Method (The Conjugated Direction Search)
 Gradient Based Methods
• Cauchy’s method (the Steepest Decent)
• Newton’s Method
• Conjugate Gradient Method (The Fletcher and
Reese Method)
• Quasi-Newton Method – Variable Metric Method
3-1 The Optimality Criteria
 x1 
x 
 Given a function (objective function) f(x), where x   2 
  
and let  
xN 

f x   f x *  f x * x  x *  x  x *T  2 f x *x  x *   3 x 

T 1

 Stationary Condition: f x *  0

 Sufficient minimum criteria  2 f x * positive definite

Sufficient maximum criteria  f x * negative definite


 A real quadratic for Q=xTCx and its symmetric
matrix C=[cjk] are said to be positive definite
(p.d.) if Q>0 for all x≠0. A necessary and
sufficient condition for p.d. is that all the
c11 c12 c13
c11 c12
C1  c11 , C2  , C3  c21 c22 c23 ..., Cn  det C
c21 c22
c31 c32 c33

are positive, C is negative definitive (n.d.) if

–C is p.d.
Example : f x   2 x1  4 x1 x 2  10 x1 x 2  x 2
2 3 2

 x=linspace(-3,3);y=x;
 >> for i=1:100
 for j=1:100
 z(i,j)=2*x(i)*x(i)+4*x(i)*y(j)-10*x(i)*y(j)^3+y(j)^2;
 end
 end
 mesh(x,y,z)
 contour(x,y,z,100)
Example- Continued (mesh and contour)
At 0 
x*   
0 

 4 x1  4 x 2  10 x 2  0
x  x*
2 f
x  x* 4

2 f
x  x* 2
x 2

2 f
 12 x 2  10  10
x  x*
x1x 2

 4  10
H   Indefinite, x* is a non-optimum point.
 10 2 
Mesh and Contour – Himmelblau’s
function : f(x)=(x12+x2-11)2+(x1+x22-7)2
Optimality Criteria may find a local
minimum in this case
 for i=1:100
for j=1:100
Mesh and Contour - Continued


800 2

600 1

400 0

200 -1

0 -2
0 -4

-5 -5 -5
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Example: f(x)=x12+25x22
Rosenbrock’s Banana Function
Example: f(x)=2x13+4x1x23-10x1x2+x23
Steepest decent search from the initial point at (2,2); we
have d=[6x12+4x23-10x2, 12x1x22-10x1+3x22]’=
Example: Curve Fitting
 From the theoretical considerations, it is believe
that the dependent variable y is related to variable
x via a two-parameter function:
k1 x
1 k 2 x
The parameters k1 and k2 are to be determined by a least
square of the following experimental data:
x y
1.0 1.05
2.0 1.25
3.0 1.55
4.0 1.59
Problem Formulation and mesh, contour
2 2 2 2
 k   2k1   3k1   4k1 
min 1.05  1   1.25    1.55    1.59  
k1 , k 2
 1  k2   1  2k 2   1  3k 2   1  4k 2 
The Importance of One-dimensional Problem - The
Iterative Optimization Procedure

Consider a objective
function Min f(X)=
x12+x22, with an initial
point X0=(-4,-1) and
a direction (1,0), what
is the optimum at this
direction, i.e. X1=X0
+*(1,0). This is a one
-dimensional search for
3-2 Steepest Decent Approach –
Cauchy’s Method
A direction d=[x1,x2,..,xn]’ is a n-
dimensional vector, a line search is an
approach such that from a based point x0,
find *, for all , x0+ *d is an optimum.
Theorem: the direction d=-[f/x1,f/x2, .., f/xn]’ is
the steepest decent direction.
Proof: Consider a two dimensional system: f(x1,x2), the movement
ds2=dx12+dx22, and f= (f/x1)dx1+ (f/x2)dx2=
(f/x1)dx1+ (f/x2)(ds2-dx12)1/2. Then to maximize the change f,
we have d(f)/dx1=0. It can be shown that dx1/ds= (f/x1)/( (f/x1)2
+ (f/x2)2)1/2, dx2/ds= (f/x2)/( (f/x1)2+ (f/x2)2)1/2
Example: f(x)=2x13+4x1x23-10x1x2+x23
Steepest decent search from the initial point at (2,2); we
have d=[6x12+4x23-10x2, 12x1x22-10x1+3x22]’=
Quadratic Function Properties
Property #1: Optimal linear search  for a quadratic function:

f ( x )  f ( xk )   T f k  x  x k   x  xk T H x  xk 
Let x  xk  sk
 0  T f k sk  skT Hs k
 T f k sk
   T
sk Hs k
Quadratic Function Properties- Continued
Property #2 fk+1 is orthogonal to sk for a quadratic function

1 T
Let f ( x)  a  x b  x Hx

f  b  Hx or Hx k  f k  b
Since s T f  s T Hs  0 (sk  xk 1  xk )
 skT f k  skT H xk 1  xk   0
skT f k  skT f k 1  b  f k  b   0
 skT f k 1  0
3-2 Newton’s Method – Best
Convergence approaching the optimum

f ( x )  f  xk    T f k  x  xk   x  xk T H x  xk 
Let Δx k   x  xk ;

 f x   f xk   0  T f k  H x  xk 
 xk 1  xk  H 1f k
Define d   H 1f k
xk 1  xk   * H 1f k
3-2 Newton’s Method – Best
Convergence approaching the optimum

1 1
1  12 x1 12 x22  10   6x12 +4x 23 -10x 2   24 38  36 0.4739 
d  H f   2   2
  88   0.6481
12 x2  10 24 x1 x2  6 x2  12x1x 2 -10x1 +3x 2  
38 108     
Comparison of Newton’s Method and
Cauchy’s Method
 Newton’s method is much more efficient than Steep
Decent approach. Especially, the starting point is
getting close to the optimum.
 There is a requirement for the positive definite of the
hessian in implementing Newton’s method. Otherwise,
the search will be diverse.
 The evaluation of hessian requires second derivative of
the objective function, thus, the number of function
evaluation will be drastically increased if a numerical
derivative is used.
 Steepest decent is very inefficient around the optimum,
but very efficient at the very beginning of the search.

Cauchy’s method is very seldom to use

because of its inefficiency around the
Newton’s method is also very seldom to
use because of the requirement of second
A useful approach should be somewhere
in between.
3-3 Method of Powell’s Conjugate
 Definition: Let u and v denote two vectors in En.
They are said to be orthogonal, if their scalar
product equals to zero, i.e. uv=0. Similarly, u
and v are said to be mutually conjugative with
respect to a matrix A, if u and Av are mutually
orthogonal, i.e. uAv=0.
 Theorem: If conjugate directions to the hessian
are used to any quadratic function of n variables
that has a minimum, can be minimized in n steps.
Powell’s Conjugated Direction Method-
 Corollary: Generation of conjugated vectors-
Extended Parallel Space Property
Given a direction d and two initial point x(1), x(2), we
assume: f ( x)  a  bx  1 x Hx  q( x)

x  x  d

dq dq dx
  (b' x' H )d
d dx d
Assume, at y1   0  (b' y1 ' H )d (1)
Same approach, start from x ( 2 ) get y2 such that
 0  (b' y2 ' H )d (1)
(1) - (2) yields  y1 ' y2 ' Hd  0
  y1 ' y2 ' is conjugated to d w.r.t. H
Powell’s Algorithm
 Step 1: Define x0, and set N linearly indep.
Directions say:
 s(i)=e(i)
 Step 2: Perfrom N+1 one directional searches
along with s(N), s(1),,s(N)
 Step 3: Form the conjugate direction d using the
extended parallel space property.
 Step 4: Set s (1)
 s ( 2)
, s ( 2)
 s ( 3)
, , s ( N 1)
 s (N)
, s (N)
 Go to Step 2
Powell’s Algorithm (MATLAB)
 function opt=powell_n_dim(x0,n,eps,tol,opt_func)
 xx=x0;obj_old=feval(opt_func,x0);s=zeros(n,n);obj=obj_old;df=100;absdx=100;
 for i=1:n;s(i,i)=1;end
 while df>eps/absdx>tol
 x_old=xx;
 for i=1:n+1
 if(i==n+1) j=1; else j=i; end
 ss=s(:,j);
 alopt=one_dim_pw(xx,ss',opt_func);
 xx=xx+alopt*ss';
 if(i==1)
 y1=xx;
 end
 if(i==n+1)
 y2=xx;
 end
 end
 d=y2-y1;
 nn=norm(d,'fro');
 for i=1:n
 d(i)=d(i)/nn;
 end
 dd=d';
 alopt=one_dim_pw(xx,dd',opt_func);
 xx=xx+alopt*d
 dx=xx-x_old;
 plot(xx(1),xx(2),'ro')
 absdx=norm(dx,'fro');
 obj=feval(opt_func,xx);
 df=abs(obj-obj_old);
 obj_old=obj;
 for i=1:n-1
 s(:,i)=s(:,i+1);
 end
 s(:,n)=dd;
 end
 opt=xx
Example: f(x)=x12+25x22
Example 2: Rosenbrock’s function
Example: fittings

 x0=[3 3];opt=fminsearch('fittings',x0)

opt =

 2.0884 1.0623
Function Fminsearch
 >> help fminsearch

 FMINSEARCH Multidimensional unconstrained nonlinear minimization (Nelder-Mead).

 X = FMINSEARCH(FUN,X0) starts at X0 and finds a local minimizer X of the
 function FUN. FUN accepts input X and returns a scalar function value
 F evaluated at X. X0 can be a scalar, vector or matrix.

 X = FMINSEARCH(FUN,X0,OPTIONS) minimizes with the default optimization
 parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS, created
 with the OPTIMSET function. See OPTIMSET for details. FMINSEARCH uses
 these options: Display, TolX, TolFun, MaxFunEvals, and MaxIter.

 X = FMINSEARCH(FUN,X0,OPTIONS,P1,P2,...) provides for additional
 arguments which are passed to the objective function, F=feval(FUN,X,P1,P2,...).
 Pass an empty matrix for OPTIONS to use the default values.
 (Use OPTIONS = [] as a place holder if no options are set.)

 [X,FVAL]= FMINSEARCH(...) returns the value of the objective function,
 described in FUN, at X.

 [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = FMINSEARCH(...) returns a string EXITFLAG that
 describes the exit condition of FMINSEARCH.
 1 then FMINSEARCH converged with a solution X.
 0 then the maximum number of iterations was reached.

 [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = FMINSEARCH(...) returns a structure
 OUTPUT with the number of iterations taken in OUTPUT.iterations.

 Examples
 FUN can be specified using @:
 X = fminsearch(@sin,3)
 finds a minimum of the SIN function near 3.
 In this case, SIN is a function that returns a scalar function value
 SIN evaluated at X.

 FUN can also be an inline object:
 X = fminsearch(inline('norm(x)'),[1;2;3])
 returns a minimum near [0;0;0].

 FMINSEARCH uses the Nelder-Mead simplex (direct search) method.

Pipeline design
P1 P2

… Q


(6.57)(106 ) (722)(106 ) 0.219

C ( D, P1 , L, r )  7.84 D P1  450000  36900 D 
 (r  1) ($ / yr )
1/ 2
 ( P12  P22 ) D 5 
Q  3.39   ( SCF / hr )
 f L 
3-4 Conjugated Gradient Method
Fletcher-Reeves’s Method (FRP)
 Given s1=-f1, s2=-f2+s1
 It can be shown that if
f 2T f 2
 T
f1 f1

 where, s2 is started at the optimum of the line

search along the direction s1. And
fa+bTxk+1/2xkTHxk, then s2 is conjugated to s1
with respect to H
(k ) 2
 Most general iteration: s ( k )   g ( k )  g s ( k 1)
( k 1) 2
Example: (The Fletcher-Reeves Method
for Rosenbrock’s function )
3-5 Quasi-Newton’s Method (Variable
Matrix Method)
 The variable matric approach is using an
approximate Hessian matrix without taking
second derivative of the objective function, the
Newton’s direction can be approximated by:
 As Ak=I Cauchy’s direction
 As Ak=H-1 Newton’s direction
 In the variable matric approach, Ak can be
updated to approximate the inverse of the
Hessian by iterative approaches
3-5 Quasi-Newton’s Method (Variable
Matrix Method)- Continued
Given the objective function f(x)a+bx+
1/2xTHx, then f b+Hx, and
fk+1- f kH(xk+1- xk ), or xk+1- xk= H-1gk
where gk = fk+1- f k
Let Ak+1=H-1 = Ak+ Ak  xk+1- xk= (Ak+
Ak )gk
 Ak gk = xk- Ak gk
Finally, A  x y  A g z
k k

y T g k z T g k
Quasi-Newton’s Method – Continued
 Choose y= xk, z= Ak gk (The Davidon-Flecher-Powell’s
 Broyden-Flecher-Shanno’s Method
( k 1)  x ( k ) g ( k )T  k   x ( k ) g ( k )T  x ( k ) x ( k )T
A   I  ( k )T ( k )  A  I  ( k )T ( k )   ( k )T ( k )
 Summary:  x g   x g  x g
 In the first run, given initial conditions and convergence criteria, and
evaluate the gradient
 First direction is on the negative of the gradient, Ak =I
 In the iteration phase, evaluate the new gradient and find gk, xk,
and solve Ak using the equation in the previous slide
 The new direction is on sk+1=Ak+1f k+1
 Check convergence, and continue the iteration phase
Example: (The BFS Method for
Rosenbrock’s function )
Heuristic Approaches (1) s-2 Simplex
 Main Idea Trial Point

Base Point

 Rules
 1: Straddled: Selected the “worse” vertex generated in the
previous iteration, then choose instead the vertex with the
next highest function value
 2. Cycling: In a given vertex unchanged more than M
iterations, reduce the size by some factor
 3. Termination: The search is terminated when the simlex
gets small enough.
Example: Rosenbrock Function
Simplex Approach: Nelder and Mead

X(h) xc
X(h) xc

(a) Normal Reflection (    1) (b)Expansion (    1)

f (l )  f ( xnew )  f ( g ) f ( xnew )  f (l )

X(h) xc
X(h) z xc

(c)Contraction (    O) (d )Contraction (    O)
f ( xnew )  f (g)
f ( g )  f ( xnew )  f ( h )
f ( xnew )  f ( h )
Comparisons of Different Approach for
Solving Rosenbrock function
Method subprogram Optimum found Number of Cost function Number of function
iterations value called

Cauchy’s Steepest_decent_ 0.9809 0.9622 537 3.6379e-004 11021


Newton’s Newton_method_rosenbroc 0.9993 0.9985 9 1.8443e-006 N/A


Powell’s Pw_rosenbrock_main 1.0000 0.9999 10 3.7942e-009 799

Fletcher- Frp_rosenbrock_main 0.9906 0.9813 8 8.7997e-005 155


Broyden_Fletc Bfs_rosenbrock_main 1.0000 1.0001 17 1.0128e-004 388


Nelder/Mead fminsearch 1.0000 1.0000 N/A 3.7222e-010 103

Heuristic Approach (Reduction Sampling
with Random Search)
Step 1: Given initial sampling radius and
initial center of the generate a random N
points within the region.
Step 2: Get the best of the N sampling as
the new center of the circle.
Step 3: Reduce the radius of the search
circle, if the radius is not small enough, go
back to step 2, otherwise stop.

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