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Whenever we hear the word “computer graphics” what are the
things the come into your mind?
I guess it has something to do about:

• Games
• Movies
• Art
• Movies
What is Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics includes almost everything on computers that

is not text or sound.
A field in computing that is responsible for displaying any form of
image in a computer
All of those mentioned together with those remaining unmentioned
ideas that relates the use of imagery on computers are in fact
Computer Graphics

But how did it started?

Computer Graphics were the product of advances in electrical
engineering, electronics, and television that took place during the first half
of the twentieth century(1950), the post World War II.

Display Innovations were needed to further develop technologies such as

radar, aviation, rocketry, and other wealth of information from projects of
US military

The phrase Computer Graphics was coined on 1960, by computer graphics

researchers Verne Hudson and William Fetter of Boeing Arcraft.

Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM’s) recognized Computer Graphics in Computing

Classification System (CCS) on 1991. So between 1950 – 1991 Computer Graphics remained
relatively unknown as a discipline at that time.
In the present time, the field is widely used in various fields in science
and entertainment

In the present time, the field is widely used in various fields in science and entertainment

First Image display on a screen (on this time CRT) was in a Oscilloscope
on 1950.

On 1951 MIT builds first digital electronic data that outputs in real-time for
Military use. Such computer were used in radar and navigation systems,
and early flight simulators, for training bomber pilots
CAD & Simulation

Although known since the 1940's, the first serious work allows us to test products
virtually and produce results that are as accurate as physical tests - at far less cost
and time on 1960.
Video Game

On 1961 the first video game was born, the SpaceWar. The game used an
Oscilloscope as a display

On 1972 an English Electrical Engineer won the Nobel prize for Medicine
for his developing part in developing X-rat CT Scanner
Personal Computers

After Raster Displays appears on 1972, based from 1965 invention of

Ideal line drawing algorithm,; Commodore 64 personal computer uses
raster for displays

Toy Story, A Pixar movie was the world’s first fully Computer Generated
Imagery Movie on 1995.
And in the proceeding years after 1995 we reach what previous generations
only dreamed about; simply imagine your life without interactive displays in
your social media, or imagine your favorite 3D High End game to display in
2D 8 – bit.

Everyone living in the currently should be thankful they were born to

witness such advancement in Computer Graphics
But I wonder…

If people before only used to dreamed of having what we have today,

just imagine what are those innovation that our grandchildren soon
witness and enjoy


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