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Skill in Badminton can be improve through

knowledge of correct form. Good playing centers
around proper stance, correct grip, agile
footwork, knowledge of strokes and successful

Correct stance and good footwork make it

possible to move easily to any position and make
the correct stroke.
1. The “on guard” stance is used most often. The guard position
is described below:
a. Feet are parallel, 18-24 inches apart

b. Weight is on balls of the feet.

c. Knees and Hips slightly flexed.

d. Head (top rounded part) of the racket should be resting

on left hand.

e. While waiting for a serve or return, the racket is the

front of the body slightly higher that waist.
2. The pattern of footwork used depends upon the stroke:

a. If stroke is on right side, the left foot is forward and

vice versa.

b. The body should always be far enough from the bird so

that stroke is made with arm and racket fully extended.

c. For movements made sharply to left or right or

backward, a pivot can be used. Pivoting when close to the
net is much preferred to backing.
3. Grip is very important. It is quite different from the other
racket games like tennis or table tennis. A wrist snap is very
important for proper play so the racket must be held in such a
way that the greatest amount of wrist action is possible. The way
to insure a proper forehand grip is to follow these guides:
a. Grasp the handle while the racket is the right angles to
the ground.
b. Wrap the thump around the inside of the handle
c. Close hand around the handle and spread fingers
d. Make “V” with the thumb and forefingers exactly on
top of the handle.
e. Relax hand until grip feels comfortable.
f. Wrist should be free to swing the racket easily.
4. The serve begins the play, the serving side is the “in” side and
the side receiving is the “out” side. In a serve the bird must not
touch the net and must enter the service area diagonally across
from the serve. In serving, the following points are helpful:

a. The racket head must be lower than the hand and while
b. The server usually stands about 3 feet back from short
service line.
c. The left foot is slightly forward and left shoulder is
directed to the desired placement of the bird.
d. The bird is held by the feathers in the left hand at easy
arms length about 12-15 inches in front from the right
e. The right arm is extended back and the wrist cocked
back slightly so the racket points away from the net.

f. The bird is dropped or fall the coincide with the swing

of the racket.

g. For a low serve the bird is guided, not hit.

h. For more a powerful high serve, hit rather than guide

the bird.

i. Finish all serves with follow through.

j. A good service with a control and deception comes with




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