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Metode Kontrasepsi


Kelompok 12
Anisa Putri Utami
Aulia Arfah
Pengertian AKDR

IUD (Intra Uterine Device) adalah alat kontrasepsi yang disisipkan ke

dalam rahim, terbuat dari bahan semacam plastik, ada pula yang dililit
tembaga, dan bentuknya bermacam-macam.

IUD adalah suatu benda kecil yang terbuat dari plastik yang lentur,
mempunyai lilitan tembaga atau juga mengandung hormon dan
dimasukkan ke dalam rahim melalui vagina dan mempunyai benang.



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This PowerPoint Template has clean and neutral design that can be adapted to
any content and meets various market segments. With this many slides you are
able to make a complete PowerPoint Presentation that best suit your needs.

This PowerPoint Template has clean and neutral design that can be adapted to
any content and meets various market segments. With this many slides you are
able to make a complete PowerPoint Presentation that best suit your needs.

This PowerPoint Template has clean and neutral design that can be adapted to
any content and meets various market segments. With this many slides you are
able to make a complete PowerPoint Presentation that best suit your needs.

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