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Methods to control birds from

entering your house.

There are many birds who would come to our windows or
balcony and become an alluring sight with their chirpings and
playfulness. But the problem arises when they poop around
or they come so frequently that half of your time you keep
cleaning it. There are many birds who make nests in corners
of our balcony and terrace garden. And they might even eat
the fruits or crops if any.
Different birds are building the nest that blocks drain pipes
and winds.

Pigeon is one such bird who commonly make nests, there are
a number of bugs in the pigeon's nest. These bugs spread all
around when thrown somewhere or deserted.

These birds also carry E.coli and their droppings that trigger
flu, fever, coughing, chest pain, which can also lead to severe
lung disease.
Following are some methods to control bird entering our

1. Bird Netting
Bird netting is an actually operative and successful technique.
Most of the times, a net which is available in different material
types and sizes is fixed directly over the crops to block the
approach of pigeons.
2. Pigeon traps
Live pigeon traps are a subtype of netting. These traps capture
pigeons without harming them. Like rat traps, pigeons and
birds are drawn to food products, grains or corn inside the
ploy. From one hand they join the traps and see other pigeons
already there and afterwards the door is closed.
3. Pigeon spikes and wires
As a cost-effective pigeon control technique, pigeon spikes and
cables are used. These spikes and cables are put outside
windows on the balcony or slopes.
4. Removing all kinds of sources of food and water
Taking away from the locations where pigeons are happy to
roost or create their nests all kinds of food and water sources
can also reduce the interest of the birds.
5. Electrified devices
Electrified appliances provide pigeons with a light dose of
voltage, making them bothersome and troubled at once, and
instantly leave their location. Sometimes these devices also
include spikes and various kinds of cables.

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