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Submitted to

Head of the department
Avinashilingam institute for Home science and
Higher Education for women
(deemed to be a University), Coimbatore
 Non experimental research design is in which
the researcher observes the phenomenon as
by occur naturally.
 Lacks the manipulation of variable, random
assignment of participants to condition or
orders of conditions or both.
Focus on single variable rather than a
statistical relationship between two
Example; Study by loftus and pickrell
shows good example of single –variable
research. variable – participants recall of
mildly traumatic childhood events
eg.,getting lost in shopping mall
Measures the two variable’ s of interest
No attempt to control extraneous variable ‘s
Assess the relationship between variable
Eg: study focus middle school bullied
behaviour behaviour and self esteem.
Measure each student self esteem
conducted correlational research.
Researcher manipulates an independent
variable .but does not randomly assign
participants to conditions. Eg;a researcher
might start an ant bullying program ( a kind
of treatment) at one school and compare the
incidence of bullying at that school with the
incidence at similar school that has no
antibullying program.
 Involves formulating focussed research
 Collecting small amounts of data from a large
number of participant
 Data analysis using descriptive and
inferential statistics.
 Data collection involve naturalistic
structured) and survey method.
 Closest to real life situation
 Most suitable for the nursing research studies
 Human characteristics are inherently not
subject to experimental manipulation (e.g,
blood type, personality, health belief, medical
diagnosis, etc.)
 The results obtained and relationship
between the dependent and independent
variable can never be absolutely clear and
error –free
 Non randomly selected group, which may not
be homogeneous and tend to be dissimilar in
different traits or characteristics, which may
affect the authenticity and generalizability of
the study results

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