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Prodi Teknik Informatika

Fakultas Teknologi Industri

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Prof. Suyoto dan B. Yudi Dwiandiyanta, ST,

Contoh-contoh Abstrak
Pendahuluan dan motivasi
Mengapa perlu publikasi?
Teknik penulisan: abstrak, kata kunci, dll
Tips-tips penulisan
 Menulis mudah dilakukan oleh setiap
 Untuk dapat menulis satu makalah, perlu
membaca kurang lebih 4 makalah.
 Perlu terus menerus latihan secara aktif
untuk menulis makalah.
 Rajin mengikuti seminar/konferensi
nasional ataupun internasional.
 Menurut wikipedia: “An academic journal is a peer-
reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a
particular academic discipline is published”.
 Academic journals serve as forums for the
introduction and presentation for scrutiny of new
research, and the critique of existing research.
 Content typically takes the form of articles presenting
original research, review articles, and book reviews.
 Academic or professional publications that are not
peer-reviewed are usually called professional
Menurut wikipedia: jenis artikel pada jurnal:
• Letters (also called communications, and not to be
confused with letters to the editor) are short descriptions
of important current research findings which are usually
fast-tracked for immediate publication because they are
considered urgent.
• Research notes are short descriptions of current
research findings which are considered less urgent or
important than Letters
• Articles are usually between five and twenty pages and
are a complete descriptions of current original research
finding, but there are considerable variations between
scientific fields and journals: 80-page articles are not
rare in mathematics or theoretical computer science.
• Supplemental articles contain a large volume of tabular data
that is the result of current research and may be dozens or
hundreds of pages with mostly numerical data. Some journals
now only publish this data electronically on the internet.
• Review articles do not cover original research but rather
accumulate the results of many different articles on a particular
topic into a coherent narrative about the state of the art in that
field. Examples of reviews include the 'Nature Reviews' series
of journals and the 'Trends in' series, which invite experts to
write on their specialization and then have the article peer-
reviewed before accepting the article for publication. Other
journals, such as the Current Opinion series, are less rigorous
in peer-reviewing each article and instead rely on the author to
present an accurate and unbiased view. Review articles
provide information about the topic, and also provide journal
references to the original research.
• Kita tidak 'pelit' ilmu karena 'tidak ada' yang kita
sembunyikan di 'laci' dan di 'memori' kita.
• Kita membuka diri untuk sharing informasi (baca ilmu)
kepada siapapun yang ingin mendalami bidang ilmu
yang kita tulis dan kembangkan.
• Kita mempunyai tanggung jawab moral untuk
meningkatkan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi
sesuai dengan minat dan bidang ilmu kita.
• Kita membuka diri untuk dikritik oleh siapapun yang
membaca tulisan kita.
• Kita membuka diri untuk bekerjasama dengan
siapapun untuk mengembangkan bidang ilmu kita.
• dll.
• Menambah 'track record' pribadi dan institusi
(prodi/fakultas/universitas, dll)
• Memperkaya ilmu sesuai dengan bidang kita.
• Memaksa diri untuk selalu membaca dan
menekuni bidang kita supaya kita memperoleh
ide-ide baru.
• Menambah penghasilan, karena jika ide/tulisan
kita di muat di media massa komersial (koran,
majalah, dst), kita akan mendapat tambahan
penghasilan misalnya Rp. 500.000/tulisan.
• dll.
Bagian paling penting dalam makalah
Memuat fitur penting sbb:
– Latar belakang dan pentingnya penelitian.
– Hipotesis (jika ada).
– Metode (metode pengumpulan data, jumlah sampel
dan informasi populasi sampel, teknik analisis, dll).
– Hasil (karakteristik demografi sample dan hasil
yang penting)
– Kesimpulan.
Associations between childhood leukemia and parental occupational exposures
to paints, solvents, and other petroleum products have been reported, however,
little is known about the effect of these products when used at home. The role of
home exposures to paints and petroleum products on the risk of childhood
leukemia was evaluated in the Northern California Childhood Leukemia Study
(NCCLS), an ongoing population-based case-control study. The current analyses
include 382 incident leukemia cases (aged 0-14) enrolled from 1995-2002, and
matched to 482 controls on age, sex, Hispanic status, and maternal race. A
detailed history on home use of paints and petroleum products, time of exposure,
and user was collected during an in home interview. Exposures were censored
one year before diagnosis. Conditional logistic regression was performed
adjusting for annual household income. An increased risk of childhood leukemia
was observed with parental use of paints anytime pre- or postnatally (Odds Ratio
(OR)=1.35, 95% Confidence Interval (CI)=0.99, 2.02), with a higher and
significant risk when paints were used during both time periods (OR=1.72, 95%
CI=1.07, 2.74). Maternal use of paints anytime pre- or postnatally conferred a
significantly increased leukemia risk (OR=1.44, 95% CI=1.03, 2.02), while non-
significant increased risks were detected for paternal use of paint anytime before
or after birth. Exposures to paints by both parents after birth resulted in a two-fold
significant increased risk (OR=1.97, 95%CI=1.18, 3.30). Subjects with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia had greater risks compared to subjects with acute
myeloblastic leukemia. No significant associations were seen with exposure to
petroleum products across all time windows for either parent.
 Penulis:
 Menggunakan kalimat pasif.
 Mengindikasikan pentingnya apa yang diteliti.
 Menggambarkan penelitian yang besar, tahun
penelitian yang lama, dan jumlah sample yang banyak.
 Menyediakan metode statistik dan menggunakan
metode yang tepat untuk menganalisa data.
 Memaparkan hasil dan kesimpulan yang tepat.
Namun begitu, contoh 1 ini masih mungkin
diperbaiki yaitu memasukkan ringkasan
Background: Elevated blood pressure in children is an early risk factor for
cardiovascular disease and is associated with body mass index (BMI).
However as BMI does not distinguish between fat and lean, little is known
about the relationship of blood pressure in children to different elements of
body composition. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association
of blood pressure with total body fat, lean mass and trunk fat in a cohort of 9-
year-old children. Design: Blood pressure, BMI and body composition were
measured in 6, 863 children enrolled in the Avon Longitudinal Study of
Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Fat mass, lean mass and trunk fat were
assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Results: Total
body fat and BMI were strongly associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP)
[β=3.50, 95%CI 3.27 to 3.74 mmHg/standard deviation (SD) and β=3.96,
95%CI 3.76 to 4.16 mmHg/SD, respectively] and weakly associated with
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (β=1.39, 95% CI 1.22 to 1.57 mmHg/SD and
β=1.37, 95% CI 1.22 to 1.52 mmHg/SD, respectively). SBP was also
positively associated with lean mass (β=3.60, 95% CI 3.22 to 3.97
mmHg/SD) and trunk fat (β=2.14, 95% CI 0.82 to 3.46 mmHg/SD,
independent of total fat mass). Conclusion: Blood pressure in 9-year-old
children is independently associated with fat mass and lean mass and, to a
lesser extent, trunk fat. In this analysis, because both fat and lean mass are
associated with blood pressure, BMI predicts blood pressure at least as well
as these components of body composition.
 Penulis:
– Menggunakan kalimat pasif dan membagi abstrak bagian
demi bagian.
– Mengindikasikan pentingnya apa yang diteliti.
– Menggambarkan contoh penelitian dan cara pengukuran
– Memaparkan hasil
– Menyediakan kesimpulan yang tepat.
 Namun begitu, contoh 2 ini masih mungkin diperbaiki
– Memasukkan metode analitik.
– Menambahkan metoda untuk mengukur dan mengontrol
faktor-faktor potensial yang mengacaukan pengukuran.
Background: Recent clinical guidelines endorse deferral of highly active
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) until later in the course of HIV infection. The
effect of this change on population levels of high viremia, infectivity and, in turn,
sexual transmission of HIV is unknown. Objectives: Describe populational
trends in HIV viremia among MSM in BC in relation to a 1999 change that
deferred HAART from CD4 <500 to CD4 <200 cells/mL. Estimate relative
increases in annual HIV diagnoses among MSM attributable to this change.
Methods: Linked provincial registries provided records of all HAART, CD4
counts, and plasma HIV RNA viral load (pVL) determinations from 1997-2003.
We assessed trends in MSM with high viremia (pVL >10 000 copies/mL) across
6-month intervals. Mathematical models predicted relative changes in infections
among MSM following introduction and deferral of HAART. Results: The
number and proportion of highly viremic MSM declined steadily [from 443
(27.6%)] for two years following introduction of HAART. This trend has reverted,
increasing from 358 viremic MSM (17.8%) in the second half of 1999 to 713
(26.7%) at the end of 2003; the increase occurred among men with CD4 >200.
Models predicted a 50% reduction in HIV diagnoses among MSM from 1997-
1999 but rapid 83% increase following deferral of HAART. Conclusion: Deferral
of therapy appears to be a major determinant of the 75% increase in annual HIV
diagnoses among MSM in BC from 1999-2004. Substantial increases in HIV
prevention among MSM seem warranted.
 Penulis
– Menggunakan kalimat pasif dan mendefinisikan
– Membagi abstrak bagian demi bagian.
– Mengindikasikan pentingnya apa yang diteliti.
– Memaparkan tujuan.
– Memasukkan informasi sample dan periode waktu penelitian.
– Memaparkan hasil dan metoda.
– Menyediakan kesimpulan yang tepat.
 Namun begitu, contoh 3 ini masih mungkin diperbaiki yaitu
– Memasukkan informasi jumlah sample.
– Menjelaskan lebih rinci metode pengambilan data.
– Menambahkan metoda untuk mengukur dan mengontrol faktor-
faktor potensial yang mengacaukan pengukuran.
Semua abstrak ditulis dengan jumlah kata
kurang lebih 250 kata
Semua penulis menggunakan kalimat aktif
Mendefinisikan singkatan yang digunakan
Semua abstrak memasukkan latar
belakang dan pentingnya topik yang dipilih
Memaparkan jumlah sampel, metoda dan
Memberikan kesimulan yang tepat untuk
hasil-hasil yang diperoleh.
 Apakah kerja/penelitian yang dilakukan tepat untuk jurnal
atau konferensi/seminar?
 pada konferensi atau seminar, biasanya tema atau area ilmu yang
beragam yang diminta [baca: Call For Paper (CFP)].
 Jurnal biasanya mempunyai tujuan atau sasaran tertentu.
 Apakah merupakan penelitian orisinil/asli?
 Apakah penelitian telah lengkap?
 Apakah penelitian siap untuk dipublikasikan atau
dipresentasikan pada sebuah konferensi? Apakah hasil-hasil
penelitian telah lengkap?
 Apakah penulis memaparkan fitur-fitur penting dalam sebuah
 Menggunakan check list / pertanyaan.
 Meminta teman untuk menilainya.
Propensity scores analysis (PSA) involves regression adjustment for the
estimated propensity scores, and the method can be used for estimating causal
effects from observational data. However, confidence intervals may be falsely
precise because PSA ignores uncertainty in the estimated propensity scores.
We propose Bayesian propensity score analysis (BPSA) for observational
studies which involve a binary exposure, binary outcome and measured
confounders. The method uses hierarchical modelling with the propensity score
as a latent variable. The first level models the relationship between the outcome,
exposure and propensity score, while the second level models the relationship
between the propensity score and measured confounders. Markov chain Monte
Carlo is used to study the posterior distribution of the exposure effect. Our
objective is to implement BPSA using computer programs and investigate the
performance of BPSA compared to PSA using Monte Carlo simulations.
Synthetic datasets, of sample size n=250, 1000, 4000, were simulated by
computer for various realistic parameter values. The datasets were analyzed
using BPSA and PSA, and we estimated the coverage probability of 80%
credible intervals. The estimated coverage probabilities ranged from 78% to 84%
for BPSA, and from 42% to 82% for PSA, with simulation standard errors less
than 2%. The simulation results indicate that BPSA provides improved inferences
for exposure effects compared to PSA, in the sense that interval estimators have
the correct frequentist coverage levels under repeated sampling of the data. We
demonstrate BPSA in an observational study of the effect of statin therapy on all-
cause mortality in patients discharged from hospital following acute myocardial
Apakah penelitian yang dilakukan tepat untuk
konferensi SER?
– Ya. Abstrak telah memaparkan metode analitik yang
dapat digunakan untuk bidang epidemiologi.
Apakah penelitian yang dilakukan asli/original?
– Ya. Penulis mengembangkan metode yang lebih
tepat untuk menghitung interval keyakinan
(confidence intervals).
Apakah penelitian yang dilakukan telah selesai?
– Ya. Penulis mensimulasikan data untuk menguji
hipotesis yang dibuat.
Apakah komponen utama telah dimasukkan?
– Latar belakang dan pentingnya penelitian.
• Ya. Penulis memaparkan kebutuhan untuk kerja mereka
dan pentingnya penelitian
– Hipotesis (jika ada).
• Ya. Penulis mengusulkan penggunaan BPSA untuk
penyelidikan yang melibatkan a binary exposure, binary
outcome and measured confounders.
– Metode (metode pengumpulan data, jumlah sampel
dan informasi populasi sampel, teknik analisis, dll).
• Ya. Penulis memaparkan bagaimana mereka
membuktikan hipotesisnya.
• Hasil (karakteristik demografi sample dan hasil
yang penting)
– Ya. Penulis memaparkan hasilnya dan ketepatan
• Kesimpulan.
– Kurang jelas. Terutama bagian: “We demonstrate
BPSA in an observational study of the effect of statin
therapy on all-cause mortality in patients discharged
from hospital following acute myocardial infarction. “
– Tidak ada di bagian di abstrak yang menyebutkan
penggunaan metode ini untuk efek terapi statin.
– Jadi kesimpulan tidak tepat.
• Hasil keseluruhan:
– Abstrak yang baik dan sebaiknya diterima
namun perlu perbaikan di bagian kesimpulan.
H.pylori infection is a common chronic infection, yet transmission pathways are
unclear; evidence suggests that siblings play a role in transmission. Transient
H.pylori infection is observed in children, but determinants of persistence are
unknown. We examine the effect of exposure to H.pylori-positive siblings on
the establishment of persistent H.pylori infection using data from the Pasitos
Cohort Study, which recruited pregnant women from maternal-child clinics in El
Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico during 1998-2000 and followed 472 children
after birth to identify predictors of H.pylori infection. Infection was detected at
target intervals of 6 months in index children and younger siblings born during
follow-up, using the 13C-urea breath test (UBT) corrected for variation in CO2
production. We used proportional hazards regression to estimate hazard ratios
for the effect of having H.pylori-positive younger siblings on the rate of
developing a persistent H.pylori infection in index children with 1+ younger
siblings. Persistent infection was defined as 3 consecutive positive UBT results.
We modeled two exposure definitions: infected younger sibling (1+ younger
siblings with 1+ positive UBT results); persistently infected younger sibling (1+
younger siblings with a persistent infection). Adjusting for mom's education (the
strongest H.pylori risk factor in this cohort), the hazard ratio was 4.0 (95%
CI=1.8,8.2) for infected younger sibling and 9.3 (95% CI=3.2,26) for
persistently infected younger sibling. Having H.pylori-positive younger siblings,
particularly with persistent infection, was strongly associated with developing
persistent H.pylori infection in this cohort.
Apakah penelitian yang dilakukan tepat untuk
konferensi SER?
– Ya. Penelitian memaparkan penyakit menular
Apakah penelitian yang dilakukan asli/original?
– Ya. Penulis mencari pada kawasan infeksi ini yang
tidak banyak dipahami
Apakah penelitian yang dilakukan telah
– Ya. Penulis menganalisa data yang ada untuk
menjawab pertanyaan yang dibuat.
Apakah komponen utama telah dimasukkan?
– Latar belakang dan pentingnya penelitian.
• Ya. Penulis memaparkan kebutuhan untuk kerja mereka
dan pentingnya penelitian
– Hipotesis (jika ada).
• Ya. Penulis menguji efek dari exposure to H.pylori-positive
siblings on the establishment of persistent H.pylori infection.
– Metode (metode pengumpulan data, jumlah sampel
dan informasi populasi sampel, teknik analisis, dll).
• Ya. Penulis memaparkan bagaimana mereka populasi
penyelidikan, mendefinisikan variabel dan memasukkan
metode analitik untuk membuktikan hipotesis mereka.
Apakah komponen utama telah dimasukkan?
– Hasil (karakteristik demografi sample dan hasil
yang penting)
• Ya. Penulis memaparkan beberapa hasil. Walaupun
begitu penulis tidak menyediakan kejadian lain dalam
pembuatan model lain.
– Kesimpulan.
• Ya. Penulis memaparkan kesimpulan yang tepat untuk
hasil yang telah diperoleh.
Hasil keseluruhan:
Abstrak yang baik dan sebaiknya diterima untuk
dipresentasikan pada konferensi.
• Ikuti panduan penulisan yang diberikan oleh jurnal atau
Call For Paper dalam Konferensi/Seminar.
• Perhatikan jumlah kata maksimum untuk abstrak
• Buat kata kunci
• Buat pendahuluan.
– Gunakan trik 'copy' dan 'paste' ide-ide orang lain (yang
menjadi batu pijakan/dasar tulisan kita). Tentunya, jika kita
melakukan hal ini, sumber tulisan yang kita ambil harus kita
sebutkan dan cantumkan di 'daftar pustaka'.
– Baca pendahuluan yang telah dibuat. Perbaiki dan
perhalus agar antara alinea yang satu dengan yang lain
• Seterusnya.... kembangkan abstrak yang telah kita
buat menjadi lebih rinci dan jelas.
• Reject: Content inappropriate to the conference or has little
• Probable Reject: Basic flaws in content or presentation or
very poorly written
• Marginal Tend to Reject: Not as badly flawed; major effort
necessary to make acceptable but content well-covered in
literature already
• Marginal Tend to Accept: Content has merit, but accuracy,
clarity, completeness, and/or writing should and could be
improved in time
• Clear Accept: Content, presentation, and writing meet
professional norms; improvements may be advisable but
acceptable as is
• Must Accept: Candidate for outstanding paper. Suggested
improvements still appropriate
• Lebih baik menggunakan kalimat aktif daripada
kalimat pasif.
– “We studied 15 patients with ARDS.” Adalah lebih
baik daripada “Fifteen patients with ARDS were
• Selalu menggunakan istilah penuh sebelum kita
merujuknya menjadi akronim. Misalnya:
Orthotopic Liver Transplantation (OLT).
• Tulis hanya satu pikiran per kalimat.
• Buang kata-kata yang tidak perlu.
• Pastikan bahwa kata kerja yang dipakai
konsisten dan benar.
• Sebagai latihan kali ini, kita akan berusaha
mewujudkan satu tulisan dengan satu pokok
bahasan/pikiran/ide. Karena waktunya
terbatas, kita hanya akan membuat:
– Judul,
– Abstrak,
– Kata kunci
• Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, kita dapat
memilih salah satu Konferensi Internasional
seperti yang diberikan pada tabel 1 atau ......
• Selamat mencoba.
• Jangan kirimkan naskah jika belum siap:
– ejaan
– tata bahasa
– grafik
– daftar pustaka
– dll
• Jangan, jangan sekali-kali berpikir toh
nanti akan direvisi setelah diterima
• Buat surat pengantar.

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