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Lets talk about Chlamydia

What is Chlamydia
• It is a very small parasitic bacterium that,
like a virus, requires the biochemical
mechanisms of another cell in order to
reproduce. Bacteria of this type cause
various diseases including trachoma,
psittacosis, and nonspecific urethritis.
Causes and Symtoms
• Being sexually active before the age of 25.
• Multiple sex partners within the past year.
• Not using a condom consistently.
• History of prior sexually transmitted
• Sexual intercourse without protection.
Causes and Symtoms
Usual symtoms in Females:
Painful urination, abnormal discharge
from the vagina, bleeding between menstrual
periods, abnormal pain.

Usual symtoms in Males:

Usual watery discharge from penis,
painful urination, and testicular pain.
Ways of Treating and Preventing Chlamydia
Use condoms. Use a male latex condom or a
female polyurethane condom during each
sexual contact.

Limit your number of sex partners. Having

multiple sex partners puts you at a high risk of
contracting chlamydia and other sexually
transmitted infections.
Example and Symtoms of Chlamydia in Male
Examples and Symtoms of Chlamydia in Females

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