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Buck Fever


The man who chickened out.
My gun was up, I had a perfect sight,
My finger wrapped the trigger as if wired…
“A lifetime’s chance,” they said in camp that
But I say, no man living could have fired.

• The speaker tells us that he

was very prepared and ready
for hunting but upon the sight
of such prey, he failed to shot
it for he experienced what they
called Buck fever
buck fe·ver
Noun NORTH AMERICAN informal
noun: buck fever
nervousness felt by novice hunters when they first sight game.
• Buck fever may have struck us in our lives, not in
literal form but on a manner which we have been
enthusiastic in doing something yet on the actual
scenario we froze and could not do anything.
• Being too enthusiastic without thinking if truly one
can achieve such personal ideals would put that person
into a situation in which he could not handle.

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