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Find the quotient of the following:
1. 6/8 ÷ 2/5
2. 5 7/8 ÷ 3/5
3. 9 1/6 ÷ 5
4. 10 / 2 ÷ 4 1/4
5. 7/15 ÷ 3 1/5
There were 10 1/2
loaves of bread which
were equally shared with
21 street children. What
part of the bread did each
child get?”
Polya’s 4 steps in solving problems:
• Understand the problem:
What is asked? What are the given?
• Devise a plan:
What operation to be used? What is the number
• Carry out the plan:
What is the complete solution?
• Look back and evaluate the solution:
Check if the answer is correct.
The perimeter of a square is 8 1/2 meters.
How long is each side of the square?
1. What is asked? What are the given?
2. What operation to be used? What is the
number sentence?
3. What is the complete solution?
4. Check if the answer is correct.
1. Shane has a piece of rope that is 7 4/5 meters long.
If he cuts it into pieces that are each 3/5 of a unit
long, how many pieces does he have?

2. Dawn is making pan cakes for her friends. Each pan

cake requires 4 1/3 table spoon of flour. If she has
10 friends, do you think 43 1/2 spoons of flour is
enough? Explain.
Solve the following problems:

1. A bamboo is 2 2/5 m. Long. If it is cut into 12 pieces, how long will each
piece be?
2. Joel has a group of 8/10. How many groups of 2/10 can he make from
this group?
3. A team of 15 volunteers will share 3 ¾ kg of rice equally for lunch. How
many kilograms of rice will each volunteer gets?
4. How many pieces of wire, each measuring 1 1/3 meters, can be cut
from 10 2/3 meters of wire?
5. Mother bought 2 pizza pie. How many pieces of 2/5 can she cut from

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