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The modern traditon in the history of philosophy is

recognized to be concerned about problem or
issues on knowledge. It is often describe as
dominated by two schools of thought- rationalism
and empiricism- and end s with the synthesis made
by Immanuel kant . The reflections and analysis are
directed toward answering the questions on the
nature of knowledge abd verification and types of
knowledge claims to be known by Humans.
The rationalists Rene Descartes , Baruch Spinoza , and ottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
believe that reason is the sole source of knowledge. Verification of truth is
through the Correspondence Theory of truth and types of knowledge are limited
to analytic or formal knowlede of mathematics and logic.
Empricists believe that aside from reason , experience
is also a source of knowlede The five senses
connected to the world can be used to determine
what can be known ; hence, truth is based on what
corresponds reality, and empirical claims about the
world is also accpted as knowledge.
In the critique of pure reason, Kant
examined te extent to which human
reason is capable of a prior
knowledge. His goal is to criticize
reason by reason itself to establis a
secure and consistent basis for
science, religion, and morality.

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