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Materialism has been defined……

 The devotion to acquisition and

possession (Tatzel,2002)
 Theoretically, materialism has been
viewed either as a set of values
consisting of success, centrality and
happiness (Richins and Dawson, 1992)
 “People are materialistic to the extent
that they place acquiring possessions
at the center of their lives, judge
success by the number and quality of
one’s possessions, and see these
possessions as vital to happiness.”
(Richins and Dawson)
The signs of materialism

Self-Absorption to the
exclusion of others and a
desire for immediate
gratification (Tocqueville
In addition, possessions
comes to be valued over
other goals (Daun 1983)
Why Is Materialism So Bad For Us?

According to Sonja Lyubormisky she sums

up negative consequences in her book The
Myself Happiness she stated that…….

“Why are materialistic tendencies important

to identify? A mountain of research has
shown that materialism depletes
happiness, threatens satisfaction with our
relationships, harms the environment,
renders us less friendly, likeable and
empathetic, and makes us less likely to
help others and contribute to our
“At the individual level, materialistic individuals are less
satisfied and grateful for their lives, have less purpose,
feel less competent in general are more antisocial, and
have weaker connections with others and less
satisfying as well”
1. Start pursuing Intrinsic
2. Realize That Materialism Is
Goals, Not Extrinsic
Based On A Flawed
a. Extrinsic goals. These
are all about becoming
rich or famous, seeking
power over others, and How To Let Go Of
polishing your public Materialism
b. Intrinsic goals. These are
goals that fuel who you
are as a person. They are
personally meaningful to
3. Practice 5. Invest In Social
Mindfulness 4. Consume Relationships 6. Practice

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